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Cora Gets Naughty With Fish Men! 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 1842.67 MB     Format: MP4

Cora is dressed in her latest sexy white heels and daily outfit but has business to take care of. She has pervy fish men that she wants to place in sexy areas and watch there guts POP and SQUIRT all over her! Cora loves a good time and is down for torture every day! Watch her devour and rid of there pathetic existence under her pretty heels and even on her self! Leaving there remains on the floor and even on her sexy beautiful body, she loves making a mess all around her and this hot blonde cant get enough of it! MP4-VR 3D 180 'PC'

$ 11.25


Phoebe Takes Advantage Of Neighbor Needing Help!     View Sample
Length: 6.00 minutes     Size: 898.75 MB     Format: MP4

Phoebe gets a call from her neighbor John asking her if she could please come over and help him! So she runs over to John's house. When she gets inside she doesn't see him anywhere, but she is standing directly over him! She looks down and see's his phone laying there so she bends over to grab it. But when she grabbed it she noticed something next to it so she gets a closer look and is absolutely amazed by what she found!! It's John she found him, he is really fucking tiny but she found him! Phoebe is still amazed by this and cant believe John got shrunk!! She ask John if anything would fix this tiny problem but she cant hear his response so she slowly and very carefully picks John up and raises him up to her face. Phoebe looks at tiny John in the palm of her hand and promises to help him even though she is amused that she is holding a tiny human in her hand, she is beyond fascinated and is really enjoying this immense power and control!! She then puts tiny John up to her huge lips as she licks them telling John how easy it would be for her to make him her snack! She dangles John above her opened mouth threatening to swallow him whole!! Then Phoebe gets serious real quick again putting John in the floor as she sits in the chair crossing her legs so the soles of one of her feet hovers over tiny john She decides to grab her phone and do a little research on what can be done to help a tiny human. Phoebe laughs and she tells me she cant find anything to help him , smiling as she watches him cower un her painted toes telling him that now she cant see him as anything more than a bug!!! Telling John that he is tiny enough to live between her toes as her tiny foot slave. Out of no where an evil smirk creeps across her face as she realizes and decides that she is going to crush John and take everything that he owns! Phoebe then lays him on the floor on his back and stands over him pressing her painted toes towards him making fun of how tiny he is compared to her foot. She takes her foot and presses down on tiny john slowly increasing how much weight she puts on him! Phoebe loves grinding down on john and seeing ow strong he is. She laughs as she tells him nobody in the neighborhood will know that he ended up as a tiny man on her bare soles! Giving him the nickname "John Stain". Phoebe finally decides its time to end tiny john's life. She slowly brings the ball of her foot down, grinds him really good under her toes, checking one last time if he is still alive before making him take his last breath and she seductively says "Bye John"!!!!! Mp4-VR360

$ 6.99


Brynn Teaches School Bullies A Lesson!! 'PC'    
Length: 14.00 minutes     Size: 627.02 MB     Format: MP4

Brynn despises school bullies, she absolutely CANT STAND people who pick on, beat up, make fun of other people! Its beyond disrespectful and Brynn isn't with the disrespect bullshit!! So she decides to put on her pantyhose, schoolgirl skirt and her favorite perfect fitting bra that makes her boobs look fucking amazing!!!!! Brynn then goes down to the school when she gets there she walks straight to the classroom where she finds all these bullies transformed into one of her favorite things to crush........ Crickets!!!! Brynn is going to have so much fun with these tiny bully crickmen, she is going to make them wish they would have NEVER bullied one single person!!!!!!!!! She decides to take a seat and admire all these tiny assholes! When she sits down she hears a crunch and feels something gooey on her ass... she knows that gooey feeling and crunch.... She crushed her first tiny bully crickman!!! This excited her so she picks another tiny bully and decides to put this one in her pantyhose right against her pussy slowly suffocating the bastard. So she decides to make it more interesting and picks two more tiny bullies and she puts these two pricks in her pantyhose as well but she decides to put one against each ass cheek slowly suffocating the two assholes!!! Brynn decides to leave those three pricks in her pantyhose so they can suffer just like the people they bullied suffered!!!! Its time to pick another fuckin tiny piece of shit, she decides to tease this fucker by rubbing him on and all around her perfect boobs then squishing him between each tit!!! Brynn thought the tiny prick really enjoyed that little tease before his death so she picks another one and sticks him in her bra and leaves him there being slowly suffocated by her boob!! Three of the bullies try to escape and get away from Brynn but she catches them just in time quickly sitting on the desk squishing and smothering the tiny crick bullies!!!! Brynn is finally to last piece of shit bully! She saved the best for last!! What Brynn has planned and in store for this tiny fuckin pricks death will leave you drooling and wanting more!!!!!!!! 'PC'

$ 12.75


Emilia Has A Date!     View Sample
Length: 7.00 minutes     Size: 323.93 MB     Format: MP4

Emilia is patiently waiting for her hot date, she wants him to play with her beautiful BIG feet and he can play and rub on them all he wants! They sit down the sofa chatting it up, and Emilia has her bare feet out and close to him, its tempting to not touch them, there so sexy! She then lets him take advantage, he licks and kisses all over her big soles and toes! She suggests him to lay on the floor and hovers her foot over his face while she rubs him with her other, getting him all hot and aroused. Until suddenly Emilia brings out her magic wand shrinking him down to nothing but a tiny little man! Now Emilia gets to have fun her way!

$ 7.99


Cora Crushes Tiny Bug People! 'PC'    
Length: 36.00 minutes     Size: 1641.17 MB     Format: MP4

Cora is pissed, she is one of those people who is very very protective over her friends! While visiting one of her friends he tells her how upset he was with how badly he has been getting treated by his old friends!! He tells Cora he tried to talk to them about it to let them know how they were making him feel but they just blew him off!! This made Cora furious! She hates arrogant people who are"never wrong" so she decides that they don't deserve to be his friend anymore and that they need to be punished for their shitty behavior! Cora starts off by lecturing these tiny assholes on how bad they are as friends, how they should have been a better friend, tells them they should have been more like her! She tells them that the world doesn't need shitty friends like them in it so they deserved to be takin out of this world and Cora has the perfect way to make them suffer during their last moments on Earth!! Cora decides to name some of them after her friends shitty so called friends, she takes her time with these ones!! Cora slowly pins the tiny bug person under her nail before she ends his life!! She slices some in half with her nails, stabs some of them with her nails and then she decides to spice it up a little and crush some with the heel of her high heels!! Cora definitely proves her point after crushing every single last shitty so called friend that done her friend wrong!! She definitely proves her loyalty!!!

$ 26.99


Phoebe Searches For Shrunken Brother!!     View Sample
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 2956.99 MB     Format: MP4

Phoebe finally gets to the house after being told that her mother has shrunken her little brother!! Phoebe walks into the house yelling for her little brother saying "where are you?" "Mom shrunk you,!!" She walks all around the house looking for her tiny brother!! She eventually find his tiny ass and decides to play with him for a little bit!! Phoebe teases her shrunken brother with her Giant feet!!! MP4-VR360

$ 15.25


Giant Couple Teases Neighbor!     View Sample
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 1911.98 MB     Format: MP4

Rebel and her husband has shrunk a girl that there son has dated. They despise this slutty no good bitch, and rebel explains to what there going to do and what is about to happen. Rebel holds her up licks her up and down in front of their son and then ends up swallowing her whole and alive! All they want to do is show him what true love and affection is! Rebel and her husband licks up and down the body and if he cums thats just gross! Rebel even gives her husband a lap dance and decides to fuck him to death buy placing him in her husbands condom! There both a giant couple and LOVES to torture and tease and have a fabulous time doing what they love the most! MP4-VR 360

$ 12.50


Hali Crushes All Her Ex's! 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 2,245.61 MB     Format: MP4

Hali walks in wearing her tight black pants, little black shirt, dark stocking and black high heels to find all her ex boyfriends turned into gold fish!!!! This excites Hali because now she can have lots of evil fun with these assholes treating them just how they treated her!!!! Hali chooses one little fishy at a time slowly crushing them with her high heels! She even gets real creative with it and crushes the one that was obsessed with her ass on her ass!!! Hali then lights up a cigarette because she is going to blow her cigarette smoke in the pricks fishy faces that always complained about her smoking!!!VR1803D 'PC'

$ 12.25


Makayla Tortures Different! 'PC'    
Length: 14.00 minutes     Size: 497.93 MB     Format: MP4

Makayla has cute cricks as pets, but honestly they don't exist in her world! She wants to have fun with them in the most painful way! She has no fucks about them! She takes one by one out of there cage, and thinks of different ways to rid of there pathetic existence! She starts by placing there gut filled bodies under her big toe and slowly pressing her weight watching there juices ooze out! But she isn't done just yet, she likes to smoother them with her ass and in between her boobs, leaving them almost lifeless and weak before finishing off there pathetic life's! Suffocation is the best way out, lastly she tapes her victim to the chair making sure his tiny ugly face is facing up and the last thing he see's is her pretty ass and big toe! 'PC'

$ 13.75


Brynn's Ultimate Birthday Crushing Surprise! 'PC'(HiDef)    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 682.11 MB     Format: MP4

In honor of Brynn's upcoming birthday, she has given herself the best gift she's ever received! No, it's not a new blingy shirt or purse that all her friends can all be counted on to compliment her on and beg to borrow... Instead, it's a cage full of helpless path etic crickmen that she can't wait to demolish and torture using only her feet! Her big sweaty feet! Watch her give each of her pathetic crick men victims a final death countdown before she lands her high heel sole directly on their puny bodies and listens in awe as they explode beneath! Second, she tries smashing them with her bare stocking nylon feet and loves the amazing difference she can feel when her giant foot aims for it's helpless victim one by one and after her infamous death countdown... she rids them all just like all the ones before them! Finally, and this is her most favorite phase in her self birthday present. She finally gets to experience what it feels like to have her victims squirt beneath her stinky, sweaty, bare toes and soles! This birthday girl loves pinning her helpless victims down right before ending their pathetic miserable lives once and for all.. Best part of it all.. is SHE is the one that gets to feel the amazing intense yet satisfying pleasure of feeling their struggling bodies pop and explode right before they go flat and lifeless beneath her giant powerful soles! How could anyone ever top this ultimate all time best birthday present phenomena??! 'PC'(HiDef)

$ 13.25


Layla Has A LIttle Fun 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 474.98 MB     Format: MP4

Layla is sitting barefoot with her legs crossed. She glances down and notices a bowl of little pill bugs. Layla is ready to destroy every one of you one by one. She slips on her cute heeled sandals. Layla teases you slowly before crushing your bodies to nothing but a wet little stain. Layla really enjoys fucking with each and everyone of you! 'PC'

$ 10.75


Roxi and Sassy Glass Crush 'PC'    
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 602.24 MB     Format: MP4

Roxi and Sassy are wearing their cut offs and sandals today and decide to walk back and forth on the glass as if they were modeling on a cat walk or runway squishing and crushing piles of worms as they step! Every time Roxi and Sassy step on a pile they make fun of the squirmy guys blurting out "squash" "squirt"! These two are definitely enjoying their time making these worms squirt and squish!!!

$ 14.25


Brynn Makes Step-Brother's Fantasy Come True!     View Sample
Length: 21.00 minutes     Size: 934.68 MB     Format: MP4

Brynn sits down with her step-brother and he starts telling her about how he has a giantess and foot fetish! Brynn is very enticed by this... So Brynn excitedly starts to tell her step-brother that she most definitely can help him out with making his fantasy become real life and shrink him down a few inches!! The step-brother is shocked by this and the poor thing gets shy and nervous and starts shaking his head no. Like he doesn't want to live out his fantasy but Brynn doesn't care and continues anyway violating him in every way possible!! Brynn gives him everything he has ever dreamed of! She takes her giant toes and rubs them up and down his tiny dick. she also gives his tiny dick the best fucking blowjob he's ever had with her HUGE mouth! Brynn is very dominate and LOVES making tiny little men do whatever she says so she forces him to hump her giant toes!!!! Brynn makes her tiny step-brother cum too many times to count and every time he cums he shrinks down half of his size!!!! By the time their little session is over he is nothing but a tiny, tiny speck that you can hardly even see!!!!!! Brynn decides to keep her speck of a step-brother as her tiny toe-slave!!!!

$ 15.25


Smaller And Smaller You Get!     View Sample
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 2936.00 MB     Format: MP4

Its been a few days since Phoebe's mom has shrunk her son for being a bitch boy. He has been shrinking smaller and smaller every day. Phoebe comes in searching for her brother, making fun of how tiny he is! She walks around almost squishing him deeper into the carpet with her big bare feet! She wants to torture his puny body and limbs, teasing him with her bare feet! Her brother doesn't even need to be alive he's pathetic and theirs no coming back from the virus, so Phoebe wants to go ahead and rid of his existence! MP4-VR 360

$ 15.25


Jackie Wants To Terrorize!     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 1595.05 MB     Format: MP4

Jackie has a room mate that has shrunk himself and his friends for a science project. He told her to stay out of his room while there doing the project, but Jackie wants to be noisy. She enters and see's the tiny house and car. Jackie gets really interested and interrupts, she hears him shouting at her and she picks him up scolding him! Hes tiny and shes a giant, she has more control and power! Even pulling his tiny c**k out and squeezes it for her pleasure plus she loves to torture and tease! She decides to torture him and his tiny friends, Jackie just wants to play and join in on the fun and project! Playing with them all making every one cum for her! MP4-VR 360

$ 9.50


Gilf Emilia Swallows Them Alive And Whole!     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 481.70 MB     Format: MP4

Emilia has a craving for tiny men! She has six puny victims that she wants to taste and play with using her big wet tongue! She plays innie minnie minny moe with to choose which one is next! She gently places his tiny self on her giant tongue licking her lips before taking a huge gulp swallowing them whole and feeling them trickle down her throat into the pits of her stomach letting her stomach acid eat them away!

$ 9.25


Saige Swallows The Task Force!!     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 373.40 MB     Format: MP4

Saige is just hanging out with her worst enemies.... THE POLICE!!!!! they've been shrunk down into tiny men!! Those pigs aren't the ones in control this time! Instead of the pigs taking her hands and putting her in handcuffs, the 5 tiny little piggy's are in Saige's palm!!! First, she measures her hand to see how long her hand is. Next, she measures one of the tiny cop's and he isn't even an inch tall! Saige laughs and looks at the tiny cops and ask if they are ready to be taking to jail and by jail she means putting the tiny police in her mouth one by one. Playing with each one for a few minutes, rolling the tiny pig all around her mouth and tongue before swallowing each one individually, sending them to prison for the rest of their lives!!

$ 9.99


Naughty Student Spys On Hali!     View Sample
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 1793.36 MB     Format: MP4

Hali is in her office after hours since all students have went home. She spots something on the floor under her desk next to her heels. She gets a better look realizing its one of her pervy students! He should be home, but he purposely shrunk himself to just spy on her after hours. He is so tiny Hali thinks its cute but is aggravated because he's trying to sneak a peek at her! He is very close to getting crushed, he could fit in between her toes! Hali has a very bad foot ache from those heels, so she slips them off and asks if he could use his tiny hands for a foot massage! But feels something wet watching him lick them! She doesn't want to squish him just yet, his tiny tongue just feels so great! She don't want to get to exited from this amazing sensation afraid she might slip and squish his tiny guts out! MP4-VR 360

$ 11.75


Micro Son Loves Mommy So Much!     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 381.72 MB     Format: MP4

Phoebe has her precious microscopic son stuck to her fuzzy socks, he goes places with mommy everywhere staying warm and cozy but only if he treats her BIG feet good! If not she forces him to do his tiny job, it feels so good feeling his tiny self caressing her toes and soles. Watch mommy take care of her tiny puny son only if he caters to her as well!

$ 9.25


Halis Interesting Night Of Delicious Candy And Missing Little Bro     View Sample
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 718.95 MB     Format: MP4

Hali comes home pissed to find her younger brother Daniel, ready and waiting to be babysit for the night but unfortunately, she has no luck finding him anywhere! How odd! Where in the world could he be!! Being frustrated she can't find him, she continuously slams her fat ass down over and over hard and fast on her chair trying to take out all her aggression on her prankster, nowhere to be seen, little bro! little does she know, her dream is coming true as her younger bro "IS" actually inside the house and not only that... he's actually accidentally shrunk himself right before she arrived and is the poor pathetic puny figure that is now getting slammed and crushed over and over again by his sisters giant fat ass! When Hali finally notices something is on her foot, she looks closer and thinks the tiny figure is nothing more that a tiny toy! Oh what fun! Shoving it almost instantly in her mouth, she can't believe actually how unbelievable this candy tastes! It's the best shes has ever tasted by far! She enjoys every minute of sucking out all it's juices and swirling it all around on her hot wet tongue! Finally, she swallows the most delicious candy in the world down her deep dark throat and feels him splash deep inside her stomach and intestines! Now she has no choice but to wonder now after all the fun has been taken away from her... Where in the world is her POS little brother Daniel!!?? Will she ever find him????!!!!

$ 15.25