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Brynn gets fun revenge on Chloe 'PC'     View Sample
Length: 17.00 minutes     Size: 365.82 MB     Format: WMV

Brynn and Chloe are best friends and they had a fight a the day before. Chloe comes over to makeup. Brynn shows her a bucket of fishing bait. Chloe jumps back and freaks out on how giant the Cricks are! Brynn can't believe how scared Chloe is on the puny bugs. She pulls a few out ant throws them at her. Chloe freaks out and stomps them in her heels Brynn does some in her thong sandals then under her huge bare soles!. She gets Chloe to flatten them under her high heel mules. Crunch! 'PC' (HD)

$ 14.99


Juan Gets Shrunken By Aunt Stormy     View Sample
Length: 21.00 minutes     Size: 473.38 MB     Format: WMV

Stormy is expecting a visit from her favorite nephew Juan and she knows exactly why Juan wants to come over1 Juan is Head over Heels in love with her feet! Aunt stormy lets him have fun with her feet after they talk for a few minutes then Juan sniffs and Sniffs her stinky feet! Juan Loves Them. Little does Juan know stormy wants to shrink him down, she wants to shrink him down to a tiny person so she can do whatever she wants to him, Juan isn't so sure about this but stormy assures him that everything is okay and he will like it! Stormy Gives Him a big ol kiss and watches him shrink to nothing!!! Then stormy starts to tease and torture Juan, she pretends to stomp on him and she then rubs her feet all over him! Juan didn't get the visit from aunt Stormy He was expecting!(Hidef)

$ 15.25


Babysitter Jazmine turns giantess fantasy into reality     View Sample
Length: 30.00 minutes     Size: 660.85 MB     Format: WMV

Jazmine goes to Tommy's house after work to watch over him for extra money, she still has on her work attire and her stinky sweaty stockings with her flats. She sits on the couch for a bit and little Tommy cant help but to stair at her big beautiful feet. Jazmine knows Tommy loves her feet and every time she's over he always wants her to play the giant woman who stomps on all his toys so she came up with a different game that she knows he'll love. She stands up and points her shrink ray at him and he begins shrinking, he is frightened but at the same time is excited seeing his favorite babysitter make his fantasy real. Once he's only 1/4 inch tall she picks him up, gives him a kiss and tells him how adorable he is. Jazmine then takes him to the living room and sits him on the carpet and takes her shoes off, she tells him he is going to massage her feet and without his approval puts both stocking feet right over his tiny little body. She rubs his entire body with her big stinky feet, even giving him a sole sandwich which is her favorite. Jazmine admits she has a giantess fetish and that she loves being in control and feeling his tiny body underneath her feet. She then ask him if he would like a little ride in her shoe and so he can feel what she goes through all day at work. Jazmine walks around with him for a bit then teases him by dipping her foot in and out of her shoe and wiggling her toes on him. She goes back and sits down, dangling him in her flat until he falls out the she stands up and stomps him hard into the ground! Jazmine is getting more and more turned on and cant believe how good his bones feel fracking under her giant soles. Tommy is so scared and is in so much pain but Jazmine is to into the character of a beautiful giantess she doesn't even care and continues grinding his body into the carpet with the ball of her foot and her heel. She then gathers his body parts up and gives them each a kiss before telling him the fame must end and she has to put in out of his misery. Jazmine then places his mangled body back down and crushes him till there is no more Tommy.

$ 18.00


Marie teases and taunts tiny Chris Pt.1    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 229.66 MB     Format: WMV

Chris comes over to Marie's house, she's wearing her shorts and her cute strappy heels. Marie tells him she heard was talking shit and saying she couldn't handle him even if he was only two inches tall and she's going to show him otherwise. He knows he's in trouble and begins backing away and Marie point her shrinking ray at him and begins to shrink him. She tells him he's not going anywhere and steps in front of him and raises her heel. Marie tells him that the side effect of the shrink ray is that he cant move when he gets turned on, she tells him she found a couple of his scripts and knows he gets turned on when she raises her heel and poses it. With her heel raised she tells him run or she is going to step on him and smiles then tells him she knows he cant move and it's going to be so easy to step on him. She grinds the ball of her feet into the ground teasing and taunting him telling him that is what she's going to do to his tiny body. Marie then tells him she's going to give him a chance to run and takes a few steps back and tells him to run or she is going to step on him. He tries to run and as she begins walking to him she cant help but to watch her sexy feet and when she gets right in front of him and raises her heel so he cant move. She does this several times to show him he's the one who cant handle her.

$ 8.75


Marie teases and taunts tiny Chris Pt.2     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 230.72 MB     Format: WMV

Marie tells tiny Chris she now wants to step on him with her bare feet as she slowly takes her heels off. She then begins to take off her short and shirt and ask him "do you still think i am too sweet and innocent?" and "are you scared?" and smiles at him. Marie then steps back in front of him and raises her heel and tells tiny Chris how much she likes it when he's scared and how she knows it turns him on. She poses each foot in front of him, stunning him with how sexy they are and telling him how hot her feet look like that. Marie tells him to beg and yell all he wants because no one can hear him and tells him how easy it would be to step on him.

$ 8.75


Marie teases and taunts tiny Chris Pt.3     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 232.22 MB     Format: WMV

Marie is still bare footed, she looks down at tiny Chris and ask him "do you like it when i say i am going to step on you?" and smiles at him. She steps in front of him and raises her heel and tells him she cant wait to step on him and feel his tiny helpless body under her big giant feet. Marie loves seeing him scared and begins for him life and the fact that he cant move when she poses her sexy heel makes it even better! After while of teasing and taunting him she decides to put him in a cage and keep him for the next time she gets bored.

$ 8.75


Angie And Chrissy Have A Pest Problem 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 333.17 MB     Format: WMV

Angie is making dinner, she is expecting Chrissy to be back home after a long vacation! Angie is making Chrissy Fried Chicken, Mashed potatoes and lots of other things! When Chrissy Finally Gets home she is grateful Angie is cooking dinner, but Chrissy is quick to notice, while she was gone Angie accumulated a bug problem. Angie and Chrissy talk about the problem while Chrissy stomps them, she is worried about These bugs. Angie assures her they aren't on the furniture or anything they are just in the kitchen and she cant get rid of them! They take off their Flip flops and crush as much as they can to try and get rid of the problem. Angie even picks on up to see exactly what it is, they are very unsure but they continue to stomp and jamm as much as they can to kill every single pest! once they are done they cant believe their was that many in the house!(HIdef)'PC'

$ 12.50


Candice Gives Him Just What He Wants 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 348.61 MB     Format: WMV

Candice has a wonderful customer that loves her and wants to see more, more of her jamming and crushing that is! Candice has on his favorite outfit and most of all his favorite Mary Jane Shoes. Candice starts to tease him one with one crickmen at a time, she pics one up and tells him exactly what she is going to do to it before grinding it in between her fingers! Candice shows her customer just how excited these little crickmen get before she shows them their fate. Candice shows them her nice hot body and kisses them to make them feel just special, then she throws them to the ground to be with all her other little seduced victims!Candice Gives her Customer just what he wants and knows exactly how he likes it!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 12.50


Hali has big plans for her tiny boyfriend     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 253.85 MB     Format: WMV

Hali has invited her boyfriend over because she has something she wants to talk to him about. He arrives and she greets him sweetly and gets straight to the point. She tells him she has been seeing another guy but she doesn't want to lose him in her life, but not the size he is now. She wants him to be much smaller so he can be her and her new boyfriends little toy. She leans in to kiss him, and the shrinking process begins. Hali laughs as she watches her boyfriend get smaller and smaller. He gets frightened and tries to run away several times but Hali laughs in his face because she knows he will get nowhere. She kisses him several more times to make him the perfect size. She follows him around with her giant feet and tells him not to worry, she doesn't want to hurt him, she just wants to keep him forever. She shows him where he will be living now, in the spaces between her toes. Then, she reaches down with her giant fingers, picks him up, and is pleased with how tiny and frightened he looks. She sits on the couch and puts him between her giant toes. He sticks on to her clammy feet like glue. She scrunches her toes and spreads them wide apart with her tiny boyfriend still inside. She decides he still isn't small enough. So, she leans down and kisses him for the final time, making him shrink down to the size of a grain of salt. perfect! She tells him to get used to licking all the toejam from her feet while they wait for their new boyfriend to get home. He can't wait to meet him! They all three are going to have so much fun!

$ 10.25


Joleen Hates Her Step Son 'PC'    
Length: 18.00 minutes     Size: 401.34 MB     Format: WMV

Joleen has never liked her step son and she is going to take it out on him! Joleen shrinks him down clones him and begins to torture him! She grabs him up out of his cage and starts to pull his tiny little legs so he cant run away! Joleen tortures him and jamms him under her big toe, she also pinches him and makes him scream! Joleen loves torturing him since she has never liked him anyway! She continues to Jamm and Pinch with him in Half!(HIdef)'PC'

$ 14.99


Behind the Scenes with Joleen     View Sample
Length: 70.00 minutes     Size: 1.00 MB     Format: WMV

Toejac is filming a special custom video for a customer to add his own effects to! In this video Joleen is directed and told exactly what the customer wants she goes from scene to scene and does different things! This is a little of our behind the Scenes work, we hope you enjoy!(Hidef)

$ 30.99


Sophie Jamms The Gym Rats Pt.1'PC'    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 235.34 MB     Format: WMV

Sophie Comes home from the gym and she is pissed off, she didnt come alone though she brought some nasty gym rats with her and she is going to make their lives a living hell. Sophie decided to put shrinking medicine in their steroids since they chose to make fun of her. Once she had them all shrunken she snatched them up and took them once she gets through the door at home she kicks her nasty sweaty gym shoes off and immediately starts to crush each and everyone! She uses her big toe just to show them how strong she really is, since they are tiny and helpless.. Sophie continues to jamm them under her feet then decides shes going to continue to work out so she starts jamming them under her big bare soles while she is working out! She then wants to see if they can lift her like they lift their weights at the gym, she tapes each and everyone down and then stands on top of them so they can lift her, after all they cant and Sophie feels so powerful!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 9.25


Sophie Jamms The Gym RAts Pt.2 'PC'    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 235.25 MB     Format: WMV

Sophie is still angry with all the Little Gym Rats so she gets down on the floor and starts to jamm them between her big toes and rub her feet all over the already dead Gym rats.. She even makes one of the gym rats Watch and jerk off to her nasty jammed up feet. Sophie enjoys Humiliating the gym rats since they wanted to Humiliate her and tell her that she couldn't work out right! (HIdef)

$ 9.25


Sophie Jamms The Gym Rats Pt.3'PC'    
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 249.30 MB     Format: WMV

Sophie is still pissed off at the nasty Little Gym rats that make fun of her at the gym so she yanks them all up and takes them to another room to jamm them on glass, Sophie gives you great view and shows you just how nasty she can be when someone pisses her off. She makes her little gym friend watch and jerk off while she continues to jamm and slowly stomp and grind all her little Asses into the ground! (Hidef)'PC'(Tableview and Under glass)

$ 9.50


Stormy's Kitchen Gets Invaded 'PC'    
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 362.82 MB     Format: WMV

Stormy comes home from work and has had people painting her house all day. But when the painters left they failed to close the door behind them and her kitchen has been invaded by 'cricks'. she tries to smash them with her high heels but there's so many of them! She takes her heels of and jamms them with her stockinged feet! She's so angry about this and calls the company to complain as she continues trying to get rid of the pest! (HiDef) 'PC'

$ 13.25


Raina clones and tortures her crazy stalker 'PC'    
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 428.68 MB     Format: WMV

Raina is so sick and tired of this guy that has been stalking her. He even follows her to work and somehow got her phone number. She finally has devised a plan to make him go away forever but in a way that she gets to torture him over and over again. She decided to clone her stalker into tiny little crick men so she can destroy him many times in many different ways but once all of his clones are gone, so is he. She shows him her sexy body before plucking his legs from his tiny body and then brings her giant bare sole on top of him, crushing him with the ball of her foot. She twists and turns her toes, flattening him like a sheet of paper. As she picks out another crick man clone from the cage, she taunts and teases him saying there is no way he ever had a chance with her, and continues to watch his juices squirt all over her wrinkly soles. A moment later, Hali, a co worker walks in and sees what Raina is doing to her stalker. Hali is eager to join and Raina is happy to let her. Together, the pick clones from the cage, drop them to the floor and crush them beneath their giant bare feet. The two fight over which one will get to squash him first. After a while, Hali leaves her friend to finish him off. Raina keeps destroying her stalker, telling him there's no way he will ever be a problem for her ever again. 'PC' (HiDef).

$ 17.99


Savanah Give's Into his Little Fantasy    
Length: 30.00 minutes     Size: 662.27 MB     Format: WMV

Savannah comes home from work and cant seem to find her boyfriend anywhere, She looks and yells for him but nothing. Little does she know he has shrunken himself and she cant hear his tiny screams. Savannah figures her boyfriend is just getting ready for tonight, they had special plans that involved Savannah finally giving into his tiny fantasy! Savannah goes to get something to drink and accidentally steps on something she leans down to check it out... Savannah cant believe it, its a tiny person that looks exactly like her boyfriend. Savannah takes the tiny look alike into the living room and has a great idea she cant practice with him to get ready for her boyfriends tiny fantasy tonight! Little does Savannah know its really her boyfriend, not a look alike! Savannah towers over the tiny man and she teases and wiggles her toes over him with her stocking feet. Savannah then acts like she is squishing him like a bug. Her tiny boyfriend is enjoying himself. Savannah continues to tease and her boyfriend gets more and more turned on, she then has more fun with him and makes a sole sandwich out of him. She puts him in between her stocking feet and rubs all over him, not only does this feet good to him but Savannah loves the foot massage she is getting. Savannah continues to tease and indulge rubbing her feet on him and stomping on him. Hopefully Savannah got some good practice to indulge in her boyfriends fantasy tonight!!

$ 21.25


Chrissy Is sick of Her Ex     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 243.83 MB     Format: WMV

Chrissy is sick of her ex sneaking into her house! so she is going to put it to a stop! Chrissy Shrinks him and then throws him on the ground, hes so tiny he cant get away from her and she is going to take full advantage of it... Chrissy slowly steps on him jamming him into the ground and crushing his body. Chrissy loves hearing his screams and cries..She continues to stomp and break off his arm! Bet Chrissy's ex wont come around anymore sneaking into her house!(Hidef)"under table view & Table view"

$ 9.25


Cherish and Hali Punish Bad Customers 'PC'    
Length: 19.00 minutes     Size: 415.61 MB     Format: WMV

Cherish is at home cleaning and Finally Hali comes home and she didn't come alone..... That's right she brought all of her nasty rude lying customers home! Cherish and Hali are sick of rude customers always shorting them after getting what they want at the strip club. Cherish and Hali take it into their own hands to punish and destroy all the rude customers they have. Hali picks out the worst customer, they tease and play with him to get him all wound up and angry, then cherish decides to burn him. They single out each customer one by one they jamm all the hateful customers on Hali's Hot body since They like to play games with her. They also jamm them under their feet and heel crush them in their nasty stinky work heels... Cherish and Hali are beyond happy to get rid of their awful awful Customers!!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 14.50


Hali lets Raina Meet Tiny Timo     View Sample
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 347.54 MB     Format: WMV

Hali still has her tiny Timo and shes kept him safe in her house but.... Today she has company coming over to meet him and he is nowhere to be found! Hali searches and searches and cant find him anywhere, She kicks her feet up and then feels something under her sock and she looks it's Tiny Timo!!! She lets him know to be careful she could have crushed him. Raina finally makes it over and Hali shows her Tiny Timo who is stuck on the bottom of her sock.. Raina thinks he is so cute. The girls play little fun games with timo like jamming him in between their sock feet and pinning him down under their bare sweaty soles.. They are having soo much fun with Tiny timo and Raina wants to take him home but Hali isn't so sure about it... Hali hasn't let tiny timo out of her sight since Lenore took him home, Hali just doesn't want him to be out of her sight. Hali offers for Raina to go on a walk with her and Timo. Raina accepts her offer!! Hali is sure to let Raina know she has to put Tiny timo in her sock just so he doesn't get lost!(Hidef)

$ 12.99