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Cinamon Jams Crawmen With Her Sexy Heels and Balls of Feet 'PC'    
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 289.36 MB     Format: WMV

Cinamon is wearing short daisy dukes and decides that today she wants to jam some crawmen underneath her sexy soles. Cinamon crushes many crawmen and loves feeling them crunch beneath her beautiful feet. She jams crawmen and even the crawmens little cricket friends. Cinamon loves jamming them with her heel and the ball of her foot and squeezing their guts out! They try to get away but the crawmen are too slow for Cinamons sexy soles! 'PC' (Hi Def)

$ 12.50


Kookie Hates Her Ex's 'PC'    
Length: 8.00 minutes     Size: 180.84 MB     Format: WMV

Kookie has always wanted to get revenge on her stupid ex's. She finally has the chance today and she takes full advantage, showing them no mercy! Kookie grabs each ex as she talks to them and slowly jamms and flattens them between her huge fingers! Bet those stupid ex's will never do miss Kookie wrong ever again!(Hidef)

$ 7.99


Lenore's Cowboy Crawmen Jamm 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 337.63 MB     Format: WMV

Lenore is bored and has the day off, she is wearing her boots and daisy dukes. Lenore finds some crawmen and decides to have a little fun, She uses her giant cowboy boots to jamm the crawmen. Lenore finds so many crawmen, she has such a good time slamming her giant boots on them! Lenore can't get enough of this, she loves jamming! (Hidef) 'PC'

$ 14.50


Skyler jamms mean gym buffs 'PC'     View Sample
Length: 14.00 minutes     Size: 309.76 MB     Format: WMV

Skyler hasn't worked out in a very long time, she can tell she's gained a few pounds so she decides to go to the gym and work it off. Once she gets there all the buff guys and girls make fun of her because she can't even lift the weights. Skyler gets super pissed and shrinks them all down to tiny crick men. She tapes them all to a tread mill and makes fun of them for being so small. The tiny crick men scream in terror as she starts the tread mill and begins walking on it. Skyler plays hit and miss with them, teaching them a lesson never to pick on someone who's not as strong as them. 'PC' (Slow motion)(Sound Effects) (HiDef)

$ 13.00


Hali Loves Tiny Specks     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 231.30 MB     Format: WMV

Hali heard about your fantasies and she wants to fulfill one of them, She heard that you would love to be shrunken down to the size of a tiny ant and played with. Hali will do just that, she shows off her rocking hot body to you and you can see everything. Hali even keeps you in between her toes! she knows her feet are stinky, but loves the fact you will enjoy every minute of it!(Hidef)

$ 8.99


Hali Loves Jamming 'PC'    
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 442.62 MB     Format: WMV

Hali knows her friend loves watching her jamm, she puts on a special show just for him. She knows just what he likes and how he wants it. Hali jamms cricket men between her boobs, and shows them all of her body! Hali knows this makes her friends cock hard. Hali shows the cricket men love before stomping and slamming them to their horrible fate!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 16.99


Iris Makes Her Nephew's Dream Come True     View Sample
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 679.15 MB     Format: WMV

Iris invites her nephew over because she knows how much he loves her. Iris and her nephew talk for a few minutes, and catch up. then Iris remembers his fetish. She knows her Nephew is absolutely in love with her perfect soles. Iris finally gives in to her nephews fetish and asks him if he would like to be so tiny that she can rub him with her big giant sexy feet. Iris's nephew was a tiny bit embarrassed but took her offer, hes fantasized about this for a long time. iris makes her nephew lay on the floor and starts shrinking him, she starts rubbing her big soles all over his face and teasing. iris shrinks her nephew until he is 2 inches tall, she then makes him give her a foot massage. eventually iris gets tired and takes a nap. Her nephew isn't so tired, he tries to escape. When iris wakes up she is mad, so she yells to her nephew to come out and when she finds him she is going to crush him like a bug. Once iris finds her nephew his dream becomes a nightmare. Iris towers over her nephew and them steps on him, she lets him scream in pain until she is bored and kills him. (HIdef)

$ 20.99


Selena and Kat try to kill tiny Charly     View Sample
Length: 14.00 minutes     Size: 312.73 MB     Format: WMV

Selena comes home and notices something in her floor, it looks like a bug but when she gets closer she sees it's her friend Mandy's ex Charly. Selena's other friend Kat walks in and can't believe what she sees, she thought ol Charly was dead. Since he is still alive the girls want to help out Mandy and finally kill tiny Charly off. Using there sandals they each take turns stomping on Charly's tiny little body but Selena decides she wants to feel him under her sexy bare feet and stomps him bare footed. The two beautiful lady's then lay in there sandals and grind on him as hard as they can. They cuss at the lowlife and tell him how bad they're going to hurt him as they put him on the ground and step on his helpless body. They then decide to flush him down the toilet so there will be know Charly.

$ 10.99


Storm teases tiny Chris on the couch Pt3     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 226.55 MB     Format: WMV

Storm now has tiny Chris on her couch and she wants to play a game with him. She tells him if he can get past her feet she will make him normal again but if he can't she will keep him as her little pet and she will step on him. Tiny Chris try's his hardest to get around her feet but every time he tries Storm slides her sexy toes to him and stops him in his tracks. She loves teasing him and and watch him freeze up when her gorgeous feet come at him. At the end Storm tells him times up and that he has lost, now it's time to step on him! She picks him up and puts him in the floor then holds her foot high over top of his tiny body before deciding to put him in her cage and keep him until later, were she will step on him with her sexy high heels on.

$ 8.50


Storm teases tiny Chris on table Pt2    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 222.96 MB     Format: WMV

Storm has tiny Chris under her spell once again, she is now on the glass table and wants to tease and taunt him even more. She lifts her heels up where he can't move then pulls out a tiny toy and shows him just how she's going to step on him! Storm grinds the tiny toy into the glass and tells tiny Chris not to be scared. Tiny Chris then try's to run but when Storm begins stripping down into her bikini he can't help but to stop and stair. Storm ask him if he likes her bikini then begins teasing him again with her sexy high arches. She tells him over and over how she's going to step on him and how easy it would be because he can't move. Storm then decides to have a little more fun before she steps on him and takes him into the living room.

$ 8.50


Storm shrinks and teases tiny Chris with her sexy soles Pt1     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 225.08 MB     Format: WMV

Storm and Chris had plans to go out tonight but Storm has other plans. When Chris arrives she tells him she don't want to go out instead she wants to shrink him and have little fun with him. Once Storm has shrunken him she tells him the side affects, she explains that when she lifts her heel up he is frozen because he is so turned on by her sexy arch that he can't move! Storm loves this and taunts him for begins such a little man. She lets him try and run but quickly stomps down in front of him and lifts her gorgeous sole. Storm scares tiny Chris by telling him she is going to step on him and there is nothing he can do about! After having a little fun she begins pushing him into the corner with the tips of her toes telling him the last thing he's going to see is the bottom of her toes.

$ 8.50


Misty gets revenge on tiny students "PC"     View Sample
Length: 26.00 minutes     Size: 569.59 MB     Format: WMV

Misty's students have conspired against her and managed to get her fired! Misty has a plan though to uses her magic spell book to turn all of them into worthless tiny crick men. She also turns the principal and a stupid colleague to tiny men to watch it all as she exterminates each and every one of her students. Misty tears apart their legs except for two so the can't run away from her then she crushes them wit her shoes using her stockinged ball, toes, hells and with her bare feet! They scream with pain for help but Misty is a cruel bitch and loves to see them squirm! Misty says to the principal and her colleague that she will transform them to tiny's too and she will end their life for good just like her students.

$ 18.92


Storm Unaware of Tinys in Waiting Room     View Sample
Length: 5.00 minutes     Size: 121.07 MB     Format: WMV

Sexy Storm sit in chair in waiting room at the doctors office and waits with legs crossed until they call her name. She begins to dangle and dip her sexy feet out of her heels. She keeps dangling until her shoe falls off and almost crushes a tiny man. She rubs her sexy feet on the floor and little be known to Storm she is rubbing all over these tiny men with her big feet. She rubs them up and down and in between her toes. She sits impatiently and keeps playing with the tinys. They finally call her name and both of the tinys stick to the bottom on her feet and get stuck in her shoe as she sexily walks away. (Hi Def)

$ 6.99


Candice Jamms Guest Victims in her Sexy Shoes 'PC'     View Sample
Length: 27.00 minutes     Size: 583.40 MB     Format: WMV

Candice is the medical secretary of Dr. Oliver who loves crushing bugs with her full weight on her heels. She has a date with him tonight, but is scared to tell him her fetish. She comes in wearing sexy pink, sandal heels and puts multiple guest victims under the heel of her foot. She jams pill bugs, crickets, a gold fish, and worms under her sexy heel. When she jamms her little victims under her foot their guts come squishing out, all over her foot and heel. She loves crushing them and it turns her on feeling their little bones and bodies flattened out and crushed to death under her goddess heels. Gets a good angle of her ass and she later switches into white slide on shoes and crushes the victims. You can see the victims squirm and pop underneath her sexy heels. 'PC' (Hi Def)

$ 16.99


Candice Stocking Crush 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 337.00 MB     Format: WMV

Candice is wondering around the house wearing her cute pink stockings and gets bored, she finds some tinies and decides to occupy her time with them, She teases them with her cute stocking and jamms them with her heels. After her cute pink stockings are dirty she switches to her all white stockings. She teases the tinies, knowing they cant get away from her.(Hidef) 'PC'

$ 12.99


Misty Loves Her Pets 'PC'    
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 363.32 MB     Format: WMV

Misty loves her pets and wants to give them a little treat. She kisses and seduces the little tinies. Little do the tinies know the love and seducing doesn't last long, Misty jamms the little guys in between her boobs and tortures them!She loves hearing them Scream. (Hidef)'PC'

$ 15.00


Cinamon finds micro army cars     View Sample
Length: 18.00 minutes     Size: 398.95 MB     Format: WMV

Cinamon comes home wearing her cute sandals and begins walking around but unknown to her there is a tiny army in her floor and she is stepping all over them with her big giant feet! After a while she notices them and raises her foot up high and stomps on them. Cinamon knows they want her dead but they're so tiny and are no match to the sexy giantess. Cinamon wants to show them that she can even kill them with her bare feet so she slips off her sandals and begins stepping all over the tiny cars with big beautiful soles. She then thinks she's killed them all off but sees a survivor, she picks the tiny car up and goes over and sits down. Cinamon noticed that he wasn't trying to hurt her and she is very grateful for it. Then cinamon gives him a big kiss and begins running the tiny car up and down her legs then to her feet. She can tell the he likes her giant sexy feet and tells him they are going to get alone just fine. Cinamon gives him another kiss and licks him a little then takes him with her to keep him safe.

$ 12.99


Candice gets bigger you get smaller     View Sample
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 351.95 MB     Format: WMV

Candices sexy feet are propped up on the table. She has had Kyle shrunk for a long time now and hes already accepted the fact but recently Candice has been growing a little each day. Candice's shoes no longer fit her and shes a couple inches taller, but she loves it. Her feet are the main thing that's growing. She compares her feet to how little and pathetic Kyle is. She refuses to make Kyle bigger again and says he will just have to work harder on her growing feet. She tries to squeeze into her old shoes and half of her sexy foot is hanging off of her flip flops.

$ 12.99


Sunshine Shrinks and Punishes Her Lazy Boyfriend    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 276.51 MB     Format: WMV

Sunshine is sick of staying home all day cleaning while her boyfriend is out doing whatever he wants, and lying to her about working. Sunshine pulls out her shrink ray and starts shrinking his pathetic ass! She duct tapes him to the floor for some punishment. Sunshine has been waiting for the perfect time to pay her lazy bf back for all the trouble he causes.(Hidef)

$ 8.99


Emma Flattens Wormen 'PC'    
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 489.55 MB     Format: WMV

Emma likes playing with wormen especially when they remind her of a big Juicy Cock! Emma jamms and smashes the giant wormen with her sexy heels! She enjoys the way it feels and she loves hearing them squirt like a fat Cock!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 17.99