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Goldies Get Naked View 'PC'    
Length: 32.00 minutes     Size: 1456.72 MB     Format: MP4

Makena is laid back naked on the bear rug, She is ready to do some crushing with her platform flip flops. She gets up walks to the living room showing off her sexy little body! She takes her time placing the Goldie's on the ground letting them get a good view of her naked body before squishing them under her platformed feet. She does some with her flip flops and does some inside of her flip flops underneath her toes and her heels. Makena even goes to the kitchen and does a few big roaches. She rubs the roaches down her body before ending there life. At least these Goldie's and Roaches get a good view before there little life's are done for. 'PC'

$ 31.99


Goldies Flattened With Krystal's Ass 'PC'    
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 508.33 MB     Format: MP4

Krystal is ready to put her sexy ass to work! She takes one Goldie and puts it between her ass cheeks so it can watch the rest get flattened! Krystal lays down the Goldie's on the glass table and uses only her ass cheeks to completely flatten them! She has a little fun with it bouncing up and down on them making sure she squishes every little piece of there slimy little bodies. 'PC'

$ 11.50


Groups Of Victims! 'PC'    
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 920.02 MB     Format: MP4

Krystal thinks that bugs lives don't matter, which in fact they don't! Bugs are only good for one thing which is, to be squashed and stepped on because its such a great feeling under her bare soles! So she decides to taunt and torture all the victims she has! Which include, crick men, worm boys and worm men! Krystal starts tossing them on the ground, grouping them up in piles and starts having her way with them! Making them crunch, splat, and pop! Krystal loves torture and shes in the right place to do it all! Watch Krystal use there remains as foot moisturizer! 'PC'

$ 15.25


Sassy's Here To Take You To Hospital    
Length: 40.00 minutes     Size: 1883.95 MB     Format: MP4

Sassy comes in ready to take you back to the hospital. She comes in calling for you but knows your hiding some where. Sassy tries to get you to come out by telling you you can jack off to her feet. She also has your favorite clogs. She looks every where for you but can't find you. She calls out for you hoping that you'll come out to play with her feet. Sassy finally finds you, she lets you cum to her feet before sticking you to her sole and heading out to take you back to the hospital.

$ 22.50


Makena Makes You A Stain!     View Sample
Length: 7.00 minutes     Size: 1030.17 MB     Format: MP4

Makena is sick and tired of her step daddy, her mom is out of town and she wants to party! He is shrunk down to the size of a itty bitty ant, and Makena tortures and teases her step dad, she is so powerful compared to him! So she can do whatever she pleases with him! She first brings him closer to her mouth threatening to eat him up. She loves hearing his tiny squeaks of terror! After awhile of teasing she decides to play with him using her bare feet for torture, she can squish him under her bare soles so quick making him a step daddy stain on her sole! Watch Makena put him through terror using her feet to scare his little self, or better yet riding of his pathetic life so she can have her party! MP4-VR 360

$ 7.50


You Cant Stand A Chance!     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 1636.34 MB     Format: MP4

Candice comes home to find you laying on the floor tiny as ever! She could crush you faster than you could blink! But she doesn't want to do that just yet. She wants to tease you in her giant heels and giant bare feet and toes! She wants to tread on him a little and feel that tiny body squirm on the bottom of her heels! She decides to slip her heels off and do this torture barefoot, she loves the feeling of his tiny body under her barefoot moving around trying to escape! Candice then decides to add a little pressure crushing half of his limbs watching him suffer and struggle! Looks like you cant stand a chance with Candice's powerful feet! Candice decides to finish him off leaving his tiny head for the last, hoping it will pop for her, she loves watching a little puny man go through hell! MP4-VR 360

$ 9.75


Krytsal Eats Tiny Josh    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 569.38 MB     Format: MP4

Krystal comes in looking for Josh, he is so tiny she almost steps on him. She picks him up asking if hes hungry. She sits him on the table and props her feet up. She laughs and tells him to eat the dead skin off her feet. Krystal munches on a doughnut, she tells you she is going to eat you. She picks you up and brings you close to her mouth she puts you in her mouth and swallows you whole

$ 10.99


Southern Belle Jamms Ivory Craws 'PC'    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 468.23 MB     Format: MP4

Southern Belle Candice is your childhood best friend, she knows tomorrow is your wedding day. Candice wants to no why you never liked her as more than a friend. She knows its because she is so mean and cold, but she wants to show you how sweet and warm she can be. She sees your two favorite pets in there tank and walks over to them. She tells you since your getting married you won't have time for your little pets any more. Candice scoops them out into a jar and has you follow her to the kitchen, she has a surprise for you. Candice sweetly and tenderly squashes them in front of you she is nothing but smiles while you watch in horror! After she ends them she takes off her southern belle dress and lays across your bed waiting for a nice massage!!! 'PC'

$ 12.25


Tiny Ex Gets Smaller And Smaller!     View Sample
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 560.75 MB     Format: MP4

Kalee comes home after a long day and needs a foot massage so she decides to get her ex out from a drawer she put him in last time, poor thing has been trapped in it for awhile but Kalee gives no shit! He is a piece of shit and a cheater that never even gave her beautiful feet massages. So Kalee ties him up against the sole of her foot and makes him do it whether he likes or not! She lets him work his little hands rubbing them giving her what she needs since he didn't do it while they were together. She walks around letting him do the work and decides that if he was smaller he would probably do a better job! She makes him drink some more potion, waiting for him to drop down in size! She cant believe how much this potion worked, he is so tiny she could just eat him up, but that would be the easy way out, Kalee wants to see this little bastard suffer, so she locks him away in a tiny cage, and lets him suffer a little more til she decides what to do with this loser!

$ 10.50


Makena Uses That Ass To Relax Her Victims! 'PC'    
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 2937.51 MB     Format: MP4

Makena has a cage full of victims that she just cant wait to enjoy the feeling of crushing there fragile bodies and listening for that crunch and pop! Makena pulls one by one out and throws him to floor telling him to watch her sexy ass in leather to relax them before she makes there bodies crush under the flat surface of her heels! Makena loves to see there beady eyes looking up at her before ending there pathetic life! Watch her talk softly and calmly to them, making a mess on the floor of nothing but there remains left! MP4-VR 180 3D 'PC'

$ 10.99


Tiny Step Son Stocking Fun    
Length: 26.00 minutes     Size: 1192.03 MB     Format: MP4

Rebel is ready to spend the day with her step son, she has a extra special day planned for him. She has been wearing her heels and pantyhose all day waiting for there special time. Rebel takes her tiny step son and puts him down in her stockings with his face facing the sole of her feet. He is going to spend the day getting stepped on and smelling her sweaty feet. She even planned a little driving trip for them. Time for some fun, she drives around with him still in her stocking pressing his tiny body between her soles and the big gas pedal.

$ 16.99


Destiny Hunts For Foot Perv!     View Sample
Length: 42.00 minutes     Size: 1893.14 MB     Format: MP4

Destiny is sent to lure out this crazy mental patient that has a obsession with young girls archy, wrinkly feet and soles! As she calls out for him shes walking around in her sexy brass sandals. A good way to lure him out of his hiding spot, she call and calls but no answer so she decides to wait and relaxes on the couch, little does she know he has already jumped on to her sandals! Destiny slips off her sandals and puts on her sexy clogs, not knowing he is crawling up into her wrinkles! All of a sudden destiny feels a sudden urge to itch, her feet become very itchy, she thinks something is in her clogs, she slips them off trying to get a closer look, checking the in soles of her shoes. As she looks a little deeper she spots him! She pulls him out telling him he doesn't have to hide, Destiny is going to take him back to a safe place! But before she does that shes going to let him take advantage of her Archy wrinkly feet! He can hump and geeze all over them since he has a fetish that is really strong! Destiny lets him have his fun before he has to go back to the cray hospital!

$ 20.50


Sisters Use There Sexy Bodies To Watch Them Squirt! 'PC'    
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 910.62 MB     Format: MP4

Makena and Makayla both are hot bitches that love nothing more than to tease and crush there worthless victims! They have a cage full of dirty crick men that they jerk off there little c**** before ending there miserable life! They end it with either there ass, p****s, even burning them with there cigarettes, and smothering them in between there breasts! There freaks and love to play with there dirty bastards making them cum every time! 'PC'

$ 15.25


Krystal Flattens Them Good 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 703.94 MB     Format: MP4

Krystal is dressed in a sexy school girl outfit, she is ready to have some fun with these cricks! She flattens them in many different ways, but her favorite is squishing on her ass and throwing them in the air slapping them between her pretty little hands. She really knows how to flatten them bad boys. 'PC'

$ 13.99


Cali Spots The Neighbor!     View Sample
Length: 6.00 minutes     Size: 926.47 MB     Format: MP4

Cali comes into her neighbors house looking for him and he's no where to be found or theirs no response until suddenly she looks down and spots him on the carpet, but he is super tiny! Cali is shocked and starts to worry on what has happened to him! She starts to marvelize his size, and inspecting him closely hoping to see if she can fix him! She holds him close to her lips and mouth and wonders how easy it would be to swallow him up whole, but she has a better idea. She places him on the ground and decides to do some research all awhile she dangles her bare soles and toes over top of him. Threatening him in a way of crushing his tiny body without know one knowing what happened to him! She then stands up towering over him showing how big she is compared to him. She threatens to bring her soles down on him at any moment, she enjoys his tiny squeaks of pain when she applies pressure. Now he will just become a tiny stain on the bottom of her sole! MP4-VR 360

$ 6.99


Krystal And Her Students 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 562.80 MB     Format: MP4

Krystal walks in the class room unaware that all her students have been turned into cricks! She crushes two of her students on the way to her desk. She crushes another one in her seat with her ass, She puts on her stockings with a few students in them. She uses her titties to crush a few on the glass table once she realizes what they are. She than notices that some where hiding in her stockings. 'PC'

$ 10.99


Makena Hunts For Mental Man    
Length: 41.00 minutes     Size: 1911.98 MB     Format: MP4

Makena is hunting for the tiny mental patient, he needs to be took back to the hospital. She knows he is a tiny man but she doesn't no how tiny he really is. She comes in and calls out for him but her does not show his self. She gets down on the ground hunting for him! She tells him to come out and stop hiding that if he comes out she will let him cum on her feet. She knows about his little fetish and uses that to try and lure him out. She changes into his favorite wooden clogs but he still doesn't come out. She feels something in her shoe and decides to take a closer look. She finally finds him. She teases him by rubbing him all over her body. She eventually glues him to the bottom of her sole and gets ready to take him back to the mental hospital where he belongs.

$ 22.25


Step Daddy Shrinks!     View Sample
Length: 6.00 minutes     Size: 887.68 MB     Format: MP4

Krystal is pissed because her step dad wont let her have a house party while mom is away. So she brings out her shrinking device to shrink him very little. She scoops him up and checks him out very closely, telling him she can do as shes pleases with him maybe even shove his tiny body in her big wet mouth! She loves hearing his squeaks of terror, she places him back down and decides to tease him with her bare soles, teasing him into smushing him deep into the carpet, ridding of him where she can party! Krystal continues to tease and taunt him until she decides the worst! She has had enough of step daddy's shit! MP4-VR 360

$ 6.99


Holiday The Mega Giantess    
Length: 8.00 minutes     Size: 379.26 MB     Format: MP4

Holiday has turned into a giant growing bigger and bigger! She stumbles across a tiny little city, finally realizing how big she really is! Holiday crushes the tiny little city with her mega giant feet. She destroys the tiny town and every thing in it!

$ 7.99


Cali Catches Puny Man And Teases Him!     View Sample
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 551.76 MB     Format: MP4

Cali comes in wondering where her tiny puny man is, she misses him and wants to tease him! She finally spots him and threatens to crush him fast but decides to pick him up and get her foot massage from him while she eats! As Cali eats she removes her socks and dangles her stink above him and makes him massage her pretty bare feet! She picks him up and brings him close to her mouth threatening to eat him with her pizza! Including burping on his tiny puny face! She loves to frighten him and taste him but Cali has enough of teasing him and decides to finish him off for dessert!

$ 10.99