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Candice Shrinks Her Trick Daddy!     View Sample
Length: 6.00 minutes     Size: 897.49 MB     Format: MP4

Candice is grounded by her step daddy and shes pissed! She shrinks him down to a little ant size human, and hopes to change his mind. She tells him that he has to un ground her or else! She towers over him teasing him with her big bare feet that she could squish him quick like a tiny grape and then she wont ever have to listen to him again! She keeps asking him if she can go out and if not she applies more and more pressure with her feet to his tiny worthless body! Candice enjoys feeling him squirm under her massive toes! She can crush him like a bug so quick he wouldn't know what happened! So the real question is, is he going to give in or is Candice going to have to rid of his pathetic existence?! MP4-VR 360

$ 6.99


Brynn Crush Trains A Newby Chick! 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 730.61 MB     Format: MP4

Brynn is hanging out with her friend Kenzie today and Brynn has a little surprise for Kenzie! Brynn just got Kenzie a job at the studio so she is going to do a little crush training with her today to get her ready to give the clients exactly what they want! Brynn and Kenzie walk into the house and there is a cage of crickets sitting on the counter and of course Kenzie as why there is a cage of crickets in her kitchen! She tells Kenzie that they are there to crush and sometimes even when the clients doont order any crush vids that sometimes its just fun and stress relieving to crush! Kenzie is incised by this and wants to try it! Brynn explains all the different ways you cacn crush your victims. Fingeres, hnads, pussy, ass and breast! So simultaneously at the same time they pick their victims from the cage! Brynn crushes her victim first so Kenzie can watch and learn. When Brnn is finished Kenzie trys to crush her victim the same way as her friend! Brynn also lets her in on a little secret that most of the clients fucking love! Always let your victim fall to the floor ignore it and leave it laying without a final crush!!!! Watch full video to see how the newby does during training! 'PC'

$ 13.50


Makayla Riley And Saige Crush Craws 'PC'    
Length: 18.00 minutes     Size: 820.68 MB     Format: MP4

The 3 girls are ready to crush. They have turned all the models into fishy craws! They take each bitch out one by one an make them suffer under there beautiful feet. They crush some with there flip flops and they crush some under there bare feet. Its time to make these bitches pay for the way they act when they come over!! 'PC'

$ 16.25


Makayla And Cali Play With Tiny David And His Crick Friends! 'PC'    
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 4782.74 MB     Format: MP4

Cali and Makayla have a bucket full of David's little crick friends that they are going to play with today! They pull one by one out while little David is in the middle of the cage, and start there torture with each one! They squish them in different areas of there sexy bodies! Using there ass, boobs, sex, evening burning a victim! They have so much fun with tiny Davids friends! Next, they decide to pull him out of the cage and have more fun! They tease him playing with his tiny d**k, and throwing him up in the air landing him in the middle of his friends remains! While they finish playing with his friends, letting them twitch next to him! Cali and Makayla have a blast doing what they both do best! 'PC' 3D 180

$ 14.50


Danni Lotions Up Feet To Crush 'PC'    
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 1024.24 MB     Format: MP4

Danni is hanging around the house today bored so she decides that she needs a little more crushing practice!! But she wants to make it interesting so she sits on the floor and grabs a bottle of lotion and Danni lotions up her feet!!! After she gets finished putting the lotion on she stands up and is ready to start crushing!!! Danni has Earthworms, Meal-worms and crickets to crush until she gets it absolutely perfect so she can show the girls at the studio that she is capable at perfecting the crush!!! 'PC'

$ 15.25


Marissa Prevails and Takes Over!!!    
Length: 18.00 minutes     Size: 813.42 MB     Format: MP4

Marissa took a few months off from the company but still kept up with the company from a distance. Marissa watched the company start getting bigger, better and of course richer! She has a dark plan to come back to the company and claim it as her own! The only problem is that the owner and his staff wouldn't give up so easily and they fought Marissa back. Finally Marissa had the perfect plan so that night she put a very powerful spell on the company so everyone that entered the building would turn into disgusting little crickets and roaches! The next morning Marissa goes to the company and when she walks in and see's that everyone has been transformed and trapped into cages!! Marissa doesn't waist any time so she takes what use to be her co-workers one by one taunting them with her pretty face while she takes their limbs off and crushes them under her elegant heels!!! Watch full video to see what other ways Marissa gets her revenge!!!

$ 15.75


Marissa The Sexy Giantess!!    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 724.24 MB     Format: MP4

Frankie is at home and has 3 of his friends over and his mom Marissa doesn't know that Tiny Frankie has his little friends over! When Marissa gets home and goes in the house and gets a snack because she is fucking starving! One of tiny frankie's friends is in the chair and Marissa goes over and sit's down on Frankies friend and crushes him with her sexy ass! Frankies other two friends are on the floor under the table where Marissa is sitting. Marissa plays with Frankies Two friends with her feet not thinking anything of what she is feeling under her bare feet then she picks up one of the tiny friends with her toes on accident and props her feet up on the table next to her bowl of popcorn. The other friend is still on the floor and she thibks its a bug so Marissa stomps on him! Then Marissa starts wondering where her son is and walks into the living room and sits on the couch!! Tiny Frankie is on the table but he is so small that she doesnt see him!! She then notices a note on the table and goes to read it! Watch full video to find out what the note says and what Marissa does with Tiny Frankie!!

$ 12.50


Marissa Is Back And Ready To Crush 'PC'    
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 531.14 MB     Format: MP4

Marissa has a bunch of little pill bugs trapped in a jar ready to crush them all. She has them sitting on the kitchen table with her beautiful feet propped up right in front of them. She is giving them a good last look at what they are about to get. She takes the jar and stands up releasing them onto the floor. She hovers her foot over top of there puny little bodies before crushing them. She uses her big toe and the ball of her foot. When she crushes these puny little bugs it leaves nothing but a little wet stain under her foot. 'PC'

$ 10.25


Cali And Makayla Play with Tiny David and Crick-friends!!!    
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 1020.18 MB     Format: MP4

Cali and Makayla are standing in the kitchen dying to play with Tiny-man David and his little Cricket friends!!! The Crickets are in their cage sitting on the counter!! But....... Where is Tiny David?!?!?!? If you look closely enough you can see that Tiny-man David is in the cage with his Cricket friends!!!! Cali and Makayla leave Tiny-man David in the cage for now while they pick their crickmen victims from the cage one by one and turn by turn crushing them to their death in so many different ways! Like killing the crickmen with their fingers, explode between thier hands, ass, pussy and ass!!!! Once they kill their crickmen they show no mercy as they let their victim fall to the floor without a final crush!! After a little while the girls decide to pick Tiny-man David from the cage once he is out of the cage Cali and Makayla kiss Tiny David together. They press their sexy lips together with tiny David in between!! then they take turns sliding Tiny David along their beautiful sexy bodies, jerking his tiny dick while asking him how he wants to be crushed! Watch the full video to find out how Tiny David wants Cali and Makayla to crush him to his death!!!!

$ 15.75


We Love To Crush!!!!!    
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 772.30 MB     Format: MP4

Watch Mom Darla and Daughter Makayla as they do what they do best!!! CRRRUUUUUSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!! These two don't only look alike, have blonde hair , feet that look the same but the craziest thing Makayla took after her mom Darla is that they both absolutely fucking LOVE to Crush any and everything!!! Today Darla and Makayla are crushing two of their favorite things!!! Cricks and Goldies!!! These two are super fucking excited and waist no time grabbing their first victims to crush under their bare feet!!! Makayla grabs her first little victim then hands the crick cage to her mom so she can grab one. While Darla is trying to decide which Crick she wants Makayla tells her to jerk their little fucking dicks before crushing them to their death!!! Then they each grab a goldie and this gets Makayla super fucking excited because she gets to feel their warm and squishy guts under her heel!! Darla and Makayla both agree that when they crush Goldies it's like they are getting a mini massage!!!!!! Watch to find out what surprise this sexy look alike mom and daughter pair has for you!!!! Trust me you definitely want to see the surprise these two have in store!!!

$ 15.25


Candice Sucks And Crushes On Glass!! 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 568.74 MB     Format: MP4

Candice is on the glass table sucking on her lollipop with her Cricks and meal-worms sitting on the edge of the glass table!!! This sexy Asian Goddess is ready to suck and crush as she squats down to choose her first victim!!! Watch full video to watch this sexy Asian Goddess suck while she seductively crushes her Cricks and Meal-Worms!!! 'PC'

$ 11.25


Krystal's Tiny Fan Fun!     View Sample
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 2041.45 MB     Format: MP4

Krystal has a tiny fan that wants a foot smother session! She is employed at The Toe Jac company and is working for foot fetish fans! She tells him what hes in for while he is shrunk at her big bare feet. During this session she makes him aware that he will be grinded into a stain! Theirs no turning back once the session has started! The main part about this session is that in this premium pack as he gets shrunken he gets injected with a reform-able agent, so as he gets crushed he will still be alive and he still has all his senses! he wont feel any pain it will be enjoyable! Krystal gets started slipping her stockings on, and puts him in head first, smothering him in between her toes, making him smell the stink! he starts to lick and hump her soles, making him more horny! She pins him applying more pressure to be squished, where he will just be a stain! MP4-VR 360

$ 12.25


The Shrinking Virus Has Hit Dannis House!!    
Length: 14.00 minutes     Size: 633.91 MB     Format: MP4

Danni gets home from a very long, exhausting and tiring day at work and her feet is absolutely killing her!! Danni doesn't know that the shrinking virus has hit her house yet she starts yelling for her son Frankie so he can rub her feet after her long day! Danni is stepping on and walking on her tiny son totally unaware that she is doing it!! After yelling for him for a few minutes she stops to take her shoes and socks off she then gets up from the couch walking and stepping all over tiny little Frankie eventually Tiny Frankie sticks to her foot because they are so fucking sweaty. Still walking around trying to find Frankie she gets out her phone and starts calling him. While she is still trying to get ahold on her son to come rub her sore feet she sits down and props her feet up then she feels something tickle her foot!!!! Danni looks at her foot. She looks really really close and noticed it was her son Frankie!!! Danni is very shocked that her son caught this crazy tiny shrinking virus but is happy because now he can rub her feet even better than if he were normal size!!!!!!

$ 12.25


Spaceman Set Up Town At Dannis!!!    
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 1385.86 MB     Format: MP4

Danni just bought a new house and it's been vacant for a year because the previous owners had a car accident and things didn't turn out too well for them! During the year of the house being vacant Spaceman went intise and have set up a tiny town!!! When Danni walks in her kitchen she see's a tiny man and something else in front of her door! She takes off her shoes and sock and steps on the tiny man and crushes whatever contraption the spaceman built that was in her way! Once she gets through the door she see's a spaceship with a shot glass on top and a few spaceguys by it with a tiny note that says " yeah..... the witch is dead... Enjoy and have a drink on us! Danni got the house really cheap because its far away from town!! Apparently the witch had brake trouble and while she was out one day her brakes stopped working and she couldn't stop the car... Danni soon finds out the every room in her house downstairs these space guys have turned into their tiny little space town!! All throughout her house she is stepping and crushing on tiny spacemen and spaceships!!!

$ 16.25


Danni Gets Squishy Warm Foot Massage!!    
Length: 6.00 minutes     Size: 295.18 MB     Format: MP4

Danni is in the kitchen and takes off her sandals!!! She is just walking around the kitchen trying to figure out whawt to cook for dinner and what she wants to do for the weekend!! after a few minutes she feels something warm and squishy under her foot but doesn't think anything of it because she has 3 kids so its probably just a gummy bear or gummy worm or something!! Danni doesn't realize that she is stepping all over REAL Earth Worms!!!!

$ 6.99


Rileys Opinion Of Liberals!!!    
Length: 17.00 minutes     Size: 786.04 MB     Format: MP4

Riley is in the kitchen with all her little crickman in her sunflower dress, Nylons and her purple slippers!! Riley is furious over EVERYTHING about Joe Biden!! Riley picks one crickman out to be Joe Biden and she saves him for last!! Each crickman Riley grabs she names them after a person that deals with Joe Biden. Riley tells each crick what she thinks and how she feels!!! Riley crushes in her Nylons and slippers to start off eventually she takes her Nylons off and crushes barefoot in her slippers!! At some point she even crushes one with her big toe in her slipper!!! Here is Riley's list of names: Sleepy Joe, Kamala Harris, Jill Biden and Nancy Pelosi!!! Buy full video to hear what Riley thinks about these damn Liberals!!!

$ 15.75


Candice Sock Slave!     View Sample
Length: 14.00 minutes     Size: 2039.01 MB     Format: MP4

Candice and her friend just got back from the gym. Candice shrinks him down because she knows he has a giantess fetish and knows how much love you have for sweaty feet! Shes been wearing the same socks for two weeks now, so they stink terribly which makes it better for him! She orders him to sniff hard and that he will stay this size forever because shes always wanted a sock slave! She gives him instruction to jerk his tiny c**k to her sweaty stinky feet! He even licks the toe jam out from in between her toes for a small dessert! While she eats her protein bar she picks him up placing him on it as he gets closer to her big wet mouth! He has been her best friend for years and always wanted to see how he taste! After he cums a big load in her mouth, Candice wants to keep him safe and secure so she places him in her sweaty socks where he will be safe forever! MP4-VR 360

$ 12.75


Candice Crushes While Sucking!!    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 577.86 MB     Format: MP4

Candice is in the kitchen sucking on a lollipop showing off her sexy bare soles while deciding if she wants to start off with a little crickman or the meal worm. Candice decides to go with the big juicy meal worm first she lays him in her hand and brings him up to her face while sucking on her lollipop. then she put his juicy ass on the ground and crushes him with her big toe!! She then goes for the crickman and crushes it under her big toe!!! Candice goes back forth between the cricks and meal worms seductively sucking her lollipop the whole time!

$ 11.75


Student Under Stella Desk!     View Sample
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 1845.37 MB     Format: MP4

Stella is working late after school and she spotted one of her students still there! She asks why he hasn't left school is over, shes scared because he is shrunk and is super small. So Stella decides to keep him safe under her desk, but meanwhile she wants to use him as a foot toy! She knows he has a secret fetish even though she will keep it a secret! Stella slips out of her heels, and towers her big thick meaty bare feet over him! Stella applies a little pressure and uses him to her pleasure, he feels so good under her soles and in between her toes! She wants to keep him under the desk for here on out only if he obeys and listens! MP4-VR 360

$ 10.50


Courtney's First Patient Is A Tiny Crazy Man!!    
Length: 39.00 minutes     Size: 1821.46 MB     Format: MP4

It's Courtney's first day on the job and of course it being her first day the other girls assign her to take care of the crazy tiny man!!! Oh.... that isn't even the best part.... the other girls tell Courtney that the Tiny Crazy Man has escaped from the mental hospital and she has to find him and bring him back only handing her a bag with 2 pair of clogs in it and told her to have fun!! Courtney is walking around looking for this crazy tiny man yelling for him asking him to please come out!! She keeps walking around in her sandals so you can see her long narrow flat bare feet!!! Courtney even gets down on her hands and knees and crawls looking for him telling him that she knows he see's her and she knows his little dick is hard!! Courtney finally figures out that this crazy little tiny man has a shoe and foot fetish that's why the other girl's gave her the bag with the two pair of shoes in it and they happen to be the tiny crazy mans favorite kind of Brazilian clogs!!! Courtney goes and sits down to take off her sandals to put a pair of the clogs on!! While putting on the clogs she stretches out her leg and flexes her foot for you so you can see her bare soles!! She walks around in that pair for a little still telling the tiny crazy man that she knows for a fact that he can see her and that his little fucking dick is probably as hard as a rock about to fucking bust a nut everywhere!! Courtney sits again while thinking what else she can do to get this tiny crazy man back to the mental hospital! She gets down on her hands and knees and crawls around looking under everything and in the cracks of the furniture, the walls, the floors, the pillows.. I mean EVERYTHING and it still doesn't work so she decides to try the last pair of Clogs hoping that this pair will bring him out!! She walks and crawls around for a little talking to the tiny crazy man telling him that if he comes out to her then she will let him nut all over her feet and telling him that she knows his tiny dick is rock hard!! Courtney continues to walk around looking for this tiny crazy man. Eventually she feels something poke her in the foot so she sits down and takes her shoe off and starts looking inside of it and she can't find anything at all but what poked her in the foot?!?!?!? She keeps looking in her shoe because she knows he has to be hiding in there!!! Eventually she finds him in her shoe hidden in a tiny tiny spot!!!

$ 22.50