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Son Lays In Aroma Of Moms Sweaty Size 12 Feet     View Sample
Length: 19.00 minutes     Size: 416.00 MB     Format: WMV

Chrissy has just got home from her morning run and calls out several times for her son but never gets a reply. Little does she know, he has been shrunken down to the size of a bug and can smell her soiled sweaty socks a mile away and runs up on them as she removes her stinky sneakers. his mamma rubs her sweaty socked soles together unaware that her son is along for the ride, getting drenched in the aroma of her size twelve feet. Soon after, she looks for her comfy slippers while still looking for her son still unaware that he is stuck to the sweat of her sweaty sock. He's so tiny, that his mom thinks he is an itch on her foot and rubs her soles together trying to get it out. Throwing her slippers back on, she strolls around the house to fix supper. The next day, she notices a "bug" that is lying on the sole of her fuzzy slipper. Mistaking that he is a bug, she taunts him as if she was a giant and crushes him beneath her large socked sole, walking off still wondering where her crazy son could be at.

$ 14.50


Destiny Searches Kitchen Unaware Crushes Worm Men 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 276.70 MB     Format: WMV

Destiny knows her family will be home soon and she needs to hurry and find something to cook for dinner. As she paces around the kitchen barefoot, she searches for the right pots and pans to make her concoction. However, as she is parading around, she too busy to even notice all the worm men crawling around her kitchen floor. Slowly raising her heels to peer up in her cabinets, she slowly brings them back down and flattens the worm men like a pancake. When she raises her heels up again, we see all the remains and juices that exploded beneath her heel. Sometimes, she walks right over them, jamming them beneath the ball of her foot instantly exploding them with a popping sound. Too busy looking around, Destiny doesn't even realize there is a massacre in the middle of her kitchen! 'PC'(HiDef)

$ 10.25


Mom Cleans Kitchen Mess While Unaware Crushes The Pests 'PC'    
Length: 18.00 minutes     Size: 393.11 MB     Format: WMV

Bree has just got home from another hard day at work. Walking straight into her kitchen, it's no surprise that her kids didn't clean up their mess from the night before like she had asked before she left that morning. They are at their friends and won't be home for a while so she decides to take things into her own hands. While busy wiping off counters and sink, Bree has no idea that she has several unwanted visitors, tiny crickmen, that are crawling around near her bare soles. Pacing slowly around the kitchen, Bree comes into direct contact with their tiny bodies, crushes them with the ball of her foot like a pimple. She raises her heels, attempting to open her cabinets, and brings them back down on the pests flattening them like a pancake. Too busy rambling on about how lazy her kids are, her big toe jams the pests until they are left lifeless on the floor. One after the other Bree soles crush continuously and after a while are covered in guts, juices, and body parts. Finally, she happens to think her foot itches and peers down to see one crick man squirming it's way across the floor. Raising her foot high into the air, she brings it back down smack dab on top of it exploding it's bodily juices everywhere! 'PC'(HiDef)

$ 15.25


Gigi Puts Fear Into Her Tiny Slaves     View Sample
Length: 14.00 minutes     Size: 301.26 MB     Format: WMV

Gigi has just arrived home from a strenuous day at work. She's so happy to see her tiny little slaves hard at work and using their new house she just bought them. Although she loves having her tiny slaves work for her, she must always show them who is boss and make an example of some of them to show others what she will do to them if they ever disobey her. First, she paces around their housing area showing them how enormous her giant white high heels are compared to their tiny bodies and village. Then, she removes her heels, exposing her black stocking feet which she uses to crush a tiny slave woman that had recently disobeyed her in front of the entire colony to show them how easily she can kill them off with just the tap of her giant foot. After removing her stockings, she uses her bare soles and toes to toy with them. She sweeps them all into a pile on the carpet and lightly presses down on their tiny bodies, watching as they stick to the bottom of her stinky sweaty foot. Reaching down, she grabs a couple of bodies and places them between the spaces of her toes as she takes a seat on the couch. Demanding them to lick and clean all the dirt, grime, and toe jam from between or else! She scrunches her toes, feeling every inch of their squirming bodies until she stands up to go to the store. She leaves them between her toes and slides her heels back on, jamming their tiny bodies and squeezing them so they will securely stay in place as they tag along with her!

$ 11.25


Giantess Refuses To Do An Interview     View Sample
Length: 21.00 minutes     Size: 451.74 MB     Format: WMV

A tiny reporter and his two tiny bodyguards have traveled very far to attempt an interview with a very gorgeous yet evil giantess that lives in the forest. They aim to win an award for getting an exclusive with the giant and have finally made it to her lair. Upon entering her home, the three tiny men from the city find the beautiful giantess relaxing on her giant couch. When she finally notices them, their excitement turns into fear. As she makes her way over to them, the tiny reporter explains their reason for being there. However, the giantess only laughs and becomes more evil, informing them that she could give two shits about their little interview. First, she makes the tiny reporter watch as she easily tortures his two body guards beneath her giant bare feet. Using her soles, she kneads their tiny bodies into the carpet and stomps on them continuously until they no longer move. Then, she turns to the tiny trembling reporter and brings him to her giant face telling him there is no hope for him now. Dropping him back on the floor, she lifts her foot high into the air and slowly brings it down continuously on top of him, trampling him until his bones are crushed and he is nothing but a stain beneath her giant bare foot!

$ 15.50


Giant Girlfriend Takes Him Wherever She Goes Inside Her Pantyhose     View Sample
Length: 17.00 minutes     Size: 369.50 MB     Format: WMV

Gigi is all dressed to go to work in her sexy black tight fitting dress, white high heels, and black stockings. However, her tiny boyfriend is nowhere to be seen. Obviously, he's hiding from her because she takes him with her wherever she goes trapped inside her black pantyhose, beneath her giant stinky foot, inside her smelly high heels all day long. Finally, she finds him hiding behind a chair and after scolding him for making her late, tucks him neatly inside her colored stockings and slips on her shoes to leave. Once inside the car, she removes the heel that he's under so she can feel him better beneath the pedal when she presses it. Finally, she arrives to work and sets down at her desk, while dangling her heels off her spread stocking toes. Her tiny boyfriend is still firmly in place beneath her sole and sways with her foot as she moves it from side to side. After removing both heels, she places her feet beneath her chair and rubs them together, feeling every inch of her man's tiny body being pressed into a foot sandwich. Gigi finally props her feet up on her desk and turns her foot towards her face, smiling at her little guy and informs him that tomorrow she's going to put him in the same spot and take him for her morning run!

$ 13.99


Step Sister Unaware Cleans Up The Mess     View Sample
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 348.37 MB     Format: WMV

Ashley has just gotten home expecting to see her little step brother and his two friends working on their science project. However, she has no idea that right before she got there, they had accidentally shrunk themselves with the magic wand they had been working on. After calling their names out several times, she takes a seat on the couch and slides her shoes off, revealing her socked feet. Noticing a brownie they had left out, Ashley indulges and gobbles up the whole thing including one of her step brothers friends that had gotten trapped inside! While she's eating, his other friend is running for his life and gets trapped on a random piece of tape which Ashley eventually steps on. The tape and the tiny friend are both stuck firmly to the bottom of her socked sole and she starts to knead them into the carpet unaware they are there. Stomping, grinding, and massaging her soles into the carpet, she finally notices a small toy on the floor near her feet. Surprisingly, it almost looks like her step brother but assumes it's one of his stupid toys and she wishes to destroy it as payback for leaving the house so messy. Dropping his tiny body into her stinky sock, she slides her foot back into it along with her boots and takes off to go the mall with a friend still having no idea that her step brother is in her sock while his friend is still pressed to the bottom of her sweaty sock!

$ 12.99


Hali Sucks The Juices Out Of Tiny Boyfriend     View Sample
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 275.74 MB     Format: WMV

Hali has just gotten to her house expecting to find her boyfriend waiting on her. She hasn't gotten a call or text from him all day and is pissed because he was suppose to let her know what their plans were for the night. Little does she know, before she got home he shrunk himself and while trying to get her attention, fell into the pile of mints! Plopping down in a chair, Hali notices the mints and pops one into her mouth while attempting to call him since he isn't interested in calling her back. Holding the tiny mint between her long skinny fingers, she dips it in and out of her wet mouth and sucks on it as hard as she can to draw out all the juices. Finally, he answers but Hali can barely understand what he is saying. All she gets out of the whole conversation is something about the mints she is eating and something about being shrunk. Trying to make since of her crazy boyfriend, Hali picks up what she thinks is another int but is actually him! She throws him into her giant mouth and the phone goes dead on his end. How weird she thinks to herself. She starts sucking on him between her lips and rolling him around her mouth with her tongue not even noticing he is not a mint. However, she does comment on how this one isn't as minty as the others were. When the mint finally starts to lose its flavor, she decides to grab it between her fingers and suck on it that way to make sure she gets all the flavor out before she chews it up and swallows it. Since her boyfriend never called her back she decides to say fuck him and leaves to go hangout with her friends.

$ 10.25


Raven and saige try to solve the roach problem'PC'    
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 248.98 MB     Format: WMV

Raven and saige have made plans to go out tonight. raven is waiting for saige to come over, once saige finally arrives they talk for a few minutes. saige is walking around and sees a roach she stomps it underneath her heel! raven and saige both freak out, they look around to see where it could have came from. They look around for more and suddenly they are coming out of nowhere. Raven and saige stomp every roach they can. They then stomp them barefoot to get rid of them they cant let a little roach problem get in the way of going out!(HIdef)'PC'

$ 10.50


Rich Bitch Torments The Help     View Sample
Length: 32.00 minutes     Size: 689.95 MB     Format: WMV

Rich bitch Ashley comes home to her apartment surprised to see her maintenance man still hanging around. First, she goes at him for not getting her heat fixed quick enough and bitches about how cold she has been. Sweetly, the older man hands her a simple little Christmas gift and Ashley snarls at it and laughs in his face. He tells her is about to tire soon and she should come to visit him sometime. Almost busting out laughing, Ashley coldly replies that she is too young and pretty for such an old ugly man like him while propping her flats up on the table in front of him. Offering him a Christmas present as well, she slides her flats off and begins to rub her stinky stocking feet all over his face, smothering him in her foot sweat. Then, she stands up and holds a shrinking wand right in front of his face and watches as he slowly shrinks down. Towering above his shrunken body, Ashley giggles and caresses his entire body with her smelly stocking feet. She tells him that she has one more surprise for him and takes him outside, placing him beneath her giant tire wheel. Slowly, she backs over him along with his stupid toy, letting them both absorb and endure all the weight from the gigantic car. Bringing his broken body back inside, she continues to massage him with her stocking toes as she spreads them wide apart. Acting as if nothing has happened, she chats on the phone with a friend letting her poor tiny maintenance man lie in pain beneath her stocking soles.

$ 19.99


Hali Stomps Goldies For Post Workout Reward "PC"    
Length: 14.00 minutes     Size: 301.14 MB     Format: WMV

Hali is jogging on the treadmill once again as one of her new years resolution goals. Tired and worn out, Hali is just about to give up but knows that if she pushes herself and finishes, her reward will be waiting for her at the end. Finally, her workout is complete and she happily prances over to her bowl full of tiny goldies. As her reward that motivates her to workout everyday, she has several tiny goldies that she gets to hard stomp to a pulp for her pleasure. Nothing turns her on more or motivates her to sweat off calories than getting to feel their tiny bodies explode beneath her stinky sweaty socks. Picking them out one by one, she taunts them by threatening to devour them and bite their squirming bodies in half right before she brings her socked foot down right on top their bodies, flattening them like a pancake. Running in place and stomping as hard as she can, she smiles as she pops all their tiny bodies like a pimple and leaving them nothing but a shit stain beneath her sole. Finally, she wants to feel their tiny cold bodies go limp beneath her bare sole, she removes her sock and places one between the space of her big toes and then scrunches the and squeezes with all her might. When she opens it back up, she sees nothing but a dark stain of what once was a tiny goldie! "PC"(HiDef)

$ 11.50


Holiday has Unwanted Visitors'PC'    
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 250.66 MB     Format: WMV

Holiday has been battling a problem with roaches in her kitchen, and she is ashamed so she never lets anyone come over but today her friend insisted on coming over to hang out with her. Once she gets home she walks right into her kitchen and starts Jamming the nasty roaches. As Holiday Jamms in front of her friend she explains that she does this everyday after work and this is what she will do until they are gone. Once Holiday gets tired of Jamming with her heels on she kicks them off and jamms barefoot and then over glass so her friend can indulge in her world of invading Roaches!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 10.25


Fee Fi Fo Fum No One Steals From An Angry Giantess Home     View Sample
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 362.16 MB     Format: WMV

Hali comes booming into the nearby town and demands to know where the thief is that stole from her! After picking up several tiny people and holding them up to her giant face, she threatens to crush them all including their town unless someone gives up where her thief is hiding. No one will talk and Hali angrily begins stomping and breaking bones beneath her giant feel. Stomping hard into the next part of their tiny town, she asks several more people to give up where the pathetic thief is hiding. One tiny man tries to cut her giant foot with a tiny knife and angers her even more. She makes him sniff her stinky giant feet and rubs him all in her foot sweat. After demolishing the entire colony with her hard giant stomps, she finally finds her thief hiding in the distance. Slowly, she bends down and holds him up to her giant face with her giant sky scraping fingers. She tells him that he stole from the wrong giant and has caused everyone and everything in his town to be destroyed. Then, she drops him on the floor and raises her giant foot above his tint body and suddenly brings it down, crushing him easily in an instant. No one will ever steal from Hali the angry giantess every again!

$ 13.50


Sexy Blonde Princess Sisters Roll For The Crown 'PC'    
Length: 29.00 minutes     Size: 634.85 MB     Format: WMV

Two sexy blonde princess sisters, Saige and Sassy, both want to be queen and have possession of the most sought after queens crown. They come up with a game to play with their tiny crickman minions and the winner will gain control of the queens crown. They both roll a pair of dice and whoever has the larger number gets a point and also gets to roll a second time to decide the fate of their victim. Depending on whatever the second roll shows, the girls destroy their victims in several different means. Sometimes, their tiny struggling slaves get to explore their entire body before finally getting popped like a zit on their sexy tits/ass/thigh. Between their fingers, the explode the crickmans insides and then casually let fall to the floor. Their favorite, it when they get to light up a cig and use the burning end to cook the tiny body's insides before letting them fall to the ground and left for a slow death. If the die says to crush beneath their shoes, the girls slowly bring their heels down hard directly on top their entire wiggling body! Finally, after the winner is declared and the crown has found an owner, the new queen will get to decide the fate of the very last tiny crickman! What will the new queen choose?? 'PC'(HiDef)

$ 19.75


Tiny Dad Suffers Foot Fate For Being Late     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 229.59 MB     Format: WMV

Ashley hurries downstairs to leave with her dad for volleyball practice. However, after several attempts to call out for him, she still gets no response. Pissed off, she takes a seat on the couch and taps her black and pink patterned socked feet on the carpet impatiently. Little does she know, her dad somehow shrunk himself and is trying to get her attention right next to her feet! Rubbing her socks directly on top his tiny body, Ashley finally feels something prick her toe. Holding the tiny figure up close to her face, she thinks the tiny toy man resembles her dad by a lot. Already being frustrated with him for making her late and since she has nothing but spare time at the moment, she pretends that the tiny toy actually is her pathetic father. Dropping him back down next to her feet again, she fumbles him between them and rubs him between her sweaty socked soles. Ashley stomps his tiny body as hard as she can and kneads his skin into the rough carpet showing off just how angry she is. Finally, she sparks an idea. Instead of leaving the toy behind, she drops it directly into her stinky sweaty sneaker and slides her feet into them, pressing her all her weight on her poor dads tiny helpless body and walks off, taking him with her for the day!

$ 9.99


Three Girls Unaware Cru The Critters Before The Party 'PC'    
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 441.25 MB     Format: WMV

The sexy room mates, Shaylee, Hali, and Jane, are hosting a party later on that night at their house. All three girls are dressed sexy and are wearing their favorite high heels. As they pace through the kitchen going over plans and party invites, they have no idea that there are already some uninvited guests! Crawling around on the floor are tiny crick men that have come for the party as well! When any of the girls come close to one, they slowly step and bring their heel right down on top their tiny bodies, crushing them instantly like an oversized zit. The pests are everywhere and they even stick to their asses as they sit on them and flatten them like a pancake! Continuing to go over plans, the girls eventually slips out of their heels and reveal their beautiful bare soles. Just like before, the crick men seem to trail right in their paths and end up getting jammed instantly and explode everywhere beneath their soles! Taking a break from walking, the girls will stop in place, raise their heel and expose the remains from their invaders. Their bare soles and toes are covered in guts and juices by the time the crick man colony is destroyed but they still have no idea of the massacre that just took place in their kitchen! 'PC'(HiDef)

$ 16.25


Vengeful Bitches Take Care Of Ex Boyfriend Problems Hissing Pets 'PC'    
Length: 25.00 minutes     Size: 545.88 MB     Format: WMV

Kat and her best friend, Hali, have come to her ex boyfriends house to finish collecting the rest of her things. Upon entering, Hali talks Kat into doing something drastic to get her ex boyfriend back for being such a cheating bastard. At first unsure, Kat finally agrees. First, they both slip into his new girlfriends sexy high heels and parade around in the kitchen. Next, Hali comes up with the perfect idea. After finding out how much he loves his precious little pet Hissing Roach Men, she just can't help but to want to crush them all in his new girlfriends brand new heels! They use his drawing paper to splatter their tiny bodies all over. Squeamish of the giant creepy crawlers at first, Hali finally picks them out one by one and tosses them on the paper. The girls take turns bringing their heel down directly on top their bodies, making them squirt loads of thick white cream beneath their heels. It feels so good to get him back and they love the loud crunch sound they make once their hard bodies crack open. Barefoot, Hali uses the ball of her foot to pop the roach men like an oversized zit and watch as it's marshmallow like insides explode between her toes and all over her wrinkly soles. Not only do they flatten his entire colony of roach men, but they go through his crickmen and tiny goldies! No guy will ever do Hali's best friend wrong or she knows just how to take care of it! 'PC'(HiDef)

$ 18.50


Jill Cant Find Her Tiny Son    
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 285.01 MB     Format: WMV

Jill is a teacher and is about to leave work, but she is upset that her boyfriend Daniel, being an architect, has all his miniature figures that he uses for work, laying all over the place. Jill is pissed! She can not be late for work so she tells him he has 5 minutes before she leaves with out him. Little does she know that he is standing right in front of her as the same size as his toys!!! She picks him up, thinking hes just a toy, and starts rubbing him up and down the bottoms of her feet, and he HATES feet! She massages both her feet with him, but she has to leave because she can not be late! Since he is not answering her, she puts him in her shoe and goes to work.

$ 11.25


Doctor Shaylee Loves Tiny Patients Addiction     View Sample
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 673.31 MB     Format: WMV

Doctor Shaylee's next therapy patient comes in and she begins to look over his file. First, she asks him if there is anything that he would like to discuss with her during their session. Of course, his well know fantasy/addiction comes up. Still not having gotten over his main set back in life which is the fantasy of being shrunken down to the size of a bug and being teased beneath a giant woman's stocking feet. Putting down his file, Shaylee holds up a swinging pendant necklace and waves it in front of his face, mentioning for him to focus directly on it. Laughing, Shaylee is very pleased to see that her shrinking pendant worked well. Her patient is now super tin and staring up at her standing directly in front of her high heel shoes! Shaylee confesses that they are going to have so much fun considering that she has always wanted to play a powerful giantess role. Using her bare stocking soles, she presses her patients tiny body between them, making him into a sole sandwich and scrunching him beneath her toes. She kneads him into the ground, and practically rubs his flesh right off the bone. Stomping as hard as she can, she stomps so hard that his body demolishes into a wet spot on the floor His remains lie mainly beneath Shaylee's stocking sole. Wanting to keep him and not wanting anyone to find out what she has done, Shaylee slips back on her heels leaving her tiny patients guts tuck to her soles, and goes right back to work!

$ 19.99


Warden Hali Makes Room For More Criminals 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 259.65 MB     Format: WMV

Warden Hali has been put in charge of eliminating an overpopulated jail. All the criminals that are felons and are wasting room need to be removed to make room for upcoming residents. To do this, she first must transform all the little convicts into tiny little fish men. Now she can easily take on even the deadliest and strongest of the bunch. Using her long sky scraping finger, she presses down on her victim using all her weight, popping them like a zit. Then, her big toe comes i handy when she uses it to flatten them like a pancake, leaving them a tiny little stain beneath her feet. Hali crushes one felon after the other, making them all little shit stains that will be hard to erase. Being an evil cruel warden, Hali shows her victims no remorse and even tries biting their tiny bodies in half with her giant teeth! Knowing that this will be the last time they will ever see daylight, she gives them one good final showing of her round plump ass before bringing it directly down on top their squirming bodies, ultimately reaching her goal of making more jail cell room. 'PC'(HiDef)

$ 10.25