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Candice Decides Their Fate 'PC'    
Length: 23.00 minutes     Size: 492.11 MB     Format: WMV

Candice holds her tinies, one by one, in between her fingers and laughs at how small they are! She's going to do whatever she wants and there isn't a thing these tinies can do about it! She grinds them under her maryjane heels and on top of her toes. She smashes them into the floor with her palms and tears them apart with her fingers. 'PC' (in HiDef)

$ 18.99


Shaylee Hand Crush Micro Cars    
Length: 6.00 minutes     Size: 142.37 MB     Format: WMV

Giant Shaylee crawls around the micro cars, laughing, and daring them to try and escape! Her giant hand crushes down on them and her long fingers stroke the pieces left behind! (some POV) (in HiDef)

$ 6.99


Micro Cars Run From Shaylee's Giant Feet     View Sample
Length: 5.00 minutes     Size: 111.75 MB     Format: WMV

Micro cars have invaded Shaylee's living room, but this time there is no escape. They try to drive away quickly, but Shaylee's giant feet are no match for these tiny cars! Watch her stomp them to pieces and laugh at the destruction! (in HiDef)

$ 5.99


Draya finds pests in kitchen 'PC'    
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 339.64 MB     Format: WMV

Her feet are filthy black in her worn sandals but maybe jamming the tinies will clean them up some. She squishes them one by one under her huge soles! (learning how to squish in this one) 'PC'

$ 13.25


Candice Tiny Office Bitch Boy     View Sample
Length: 17.00 minutes     Size: 364.97 MB     Format: WMV

Candice is one bossy bitch with an attitude! She's working at her desk and tells her tiny bitch boy to stay calm and watch her feet as she works. She taps her feet and teases the tiny boy at her feet. She answers the phone and refers to her bitch boy as she talks about him to her friend. She grabs him up when it's lunch time and makes him watch very closely. She knows he's hungry, but the only thing he's going to eat is the filthy dirt covering her soles! Now lick those feet clean! And tomorrow, they'll be doing it all over again! (POV) (in HiDef)

$ 15.50


Candice Shrinks Everyone at School     View Sample
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 358.74 MB     Format: WMV

Candice returns home dragging her school bag behind her. But this "good girl's" back pack is not full of books. It's filled with the tiny bodies of her entire faculty and students from her school! She only meant to shrink a certain few, but her shrink ray malfunctioned! Now she has to figure out how to get rid of all these tiny people. The Principal was already on her tail when he saw her dragging the bag. Candice knows it's only a matter of time before he shows! She tries stomping on a few of them, but she sees their parts being squished into her floor, making a big mess! She realizes she has no choice; she has to eat every single person! She takes them by the mouthfuls when finally we see the bag is empty. She lies back on the couch with a "pregnant" belly full of tiny people! Suddenly, a knock at the door. Oh no, it's the Principal!! He demands she open the door and allow him to interrogate her. He knows she was at the school, dragging a bag away around the time of each disappearance! Candice allows him in, but only to shrink him, too! He tries to run away, but Candice catches him and as she apologizes to him, she swallows his body down with the others! Now, no one will ever find out what happened. (in HiDef)

$ 13.50


Ms. Jessi's Tiny Student Admirer     View Sample
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 338.85 MB     Format: WMV

One student is too excited for back to school time! When he found out Ms. Jessi, the hot new school teacher, is the homeroom teacher, he shrinks himself and goes right to Ms. Jessi's stockinged soles! As she teaches class, she never knows her missing tiny student is right at her feet. At the end of the day, Ms. Jessi watches the students leave and feels something at her feet. It's her student!! She picks him up and he admits his crush on her feet. She is flattered and decides to take her tiny student home with her. Once they're home, Ms. Jessi wants to play a few games with him. She's having so much fun with him and decides she wants to keep him. She tapes him inside of her flats and goes on about her day. (in reg. res.)

$ 22.99


Jazmine's Tiny Boy in Her Socks     View Sample
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 473.12 MB     Format: WMV

You've become a nuisance since you've shrank! Jazmine is so tired of having a stupid, tiny, little bug around her feet all the time. Messing with her socks is not going to get you any further with her. She ignores you at first, but she wants a foot rub! She smothers you with her socked feet and if you try to walk away, she stomps her giant foot right in front of you! Get back in your position! You've tried to get away too many times and now Jazmine is going to take off her socks and stomp you with her bare feet! She finishes you off by putting you inside her socks followed by her giant bare foot! (some POV) (in HiDef)

$ 15.99


Ms. Shaylee's Tiny Student at Her Feet     View Sample
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 334.79 MB     Format: WMV

Ms. Shaylee is the young, hot, new teacher all the students are raving about! But one student in particular is extra excited about being in her class. He shrinks himself and plans to spend the entire day by his teacher's stockinged soles. But, when the class is sent out for recess, Shaylee can feel something at her feet. She looks down and it's her student! He admits his major crush on her stockinged feet and this cool teacher allows him to spend the rest of the day at her feet as she teaches. She takes him home inside her flats and the fun really begins. They play a few games before Ms. Shaylee has homework to grade and allows her favorite tiny student to stay taped inside her sweaty flats! (in reg. res.)

$ 22.99


Cocoa Unaware of Tiny Hubby Vore    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 228.79 MB     Format: WMV

Cocoa awaits her hubby, sitting at the desk and eating a snack. As she munches down, she's unaware of her shrunken hubby climbing up her leg. He crawls up through her hair and down to her mouth as she crunches down on chips. He falls into the bowl and becomes her afternoon snack! (VORE) (in HiDef)

$ 9.25


Aries and Her Puny Man on Glass    
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 279.04 MB     Format: WMV

Aries giant feet are no match for this puny little man. She has him trapped under her giant bare foot and smashes him into the ground. But he's not quite small enough for her liking. She shrinks him even more and puts his tiny ass under her giant toe!! (in HiDef)

$ 12.25


Nevaeh and Her Tiny Student     View Sample
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 339.75 MB     Format: WMV

One student is too excited for back to school time! When he found out Ms. Nevaeh is his teacher again, he doesn't waste his time this year! He shrinks himself and goes right to Ms. Nevaeh's stockinged soles! As she teaches class, she never knows her missing tiny student is right at her feet. At the end of the day, Ms. Nevaeh watches the students leave and feels something at her feet. It's her student!! She picks him up and he admits his ever long crush on her feet. She is flattered and decides to take her tiny student home with her. Once they're home, Ms. Nevaeh wants to play a hide and seek game with him. She's having so much fun with him and decides she wants to keep him. She tapes him inside of her flats and goes on about her day. (in reg. res.)

$ 22.99


Skyler Shrinks and Stomps Burglar    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 260.44 MB     Format: WMV

You have sneaked into the wrong house! You wanted to steal as much as you could, but when you picked up the shrink ray, you screwed up! Now you're tiny and screaming for help. When you hear Skyler come in, you better hide! Her foreign loafers shake the ground as she walks in and wonders why there is a van parked outside her house. She almost steps on his tiny ass when she realizes it's a shrunken man! She knows he tried to rob her and that's his car outside. She goes out, shrinks his car and brings it back inside with his tiny ass inside of it! This is the last house he'll ever steal from! She puts on her thick soled sneakers on and crushes all evidence of him ever being there! (some POV) (in HiDef)

$ 11.25


Cocoa Shrinks and Chases Him     View Sample
Length: 21.00 minutes     Size: 452.40 MB     Format: WMV

Cocoa is getting quite bored with you. She decides to shrink you down and see what pleasurable fun she can have from this. She takes off her shoes so she doesn't squish you and chases you around the room with her giant socked feet. She picks on you, calling you stupid and small and laughs at you! You managed to get away from her several times, but you picked the wrong hiding spot inside her house slippers. She sticks in her big bare foot and walks through the house. (POV) (in HiDef)

$ 16.99


Skyler Shrinks Short Nerdy Neighbor     View Sample
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 349.91 MB     Format: WMV

Skyler has on a new pair of shoes to work on the house and her nosy, weird, and short neighbor comes over to offer his help. Skyler tells him to watch her, make sure she doesn't fall from the ladder. His short body only reaches to her shoes and she can hear him sniffing loudly at her feet. What a weird guy, but she can use his help. She takes him into the house and gets underneath the sink while he hands her the tools. But his weird ass is right back down at her shoes, sniffing away! Skyler ignores him until she can't take it anymore. But this gives her an idea; she realizes how much he adores her stinky shoes, so she'll give him all he can handle. She shrinks him down and makes him worship her sneakers! She degrades him and laughs at his tiny ass before putting him in her shoe and leaves the house. (POV) (in HiDef)

$ 12.50


Jazmine Shrinks Cheating Boyfriend    
Length: 14.00 minutes     Size: 306.02 MB     Format: WMV

Jazmine has had enough of her boyfriend cheating on her and with women who aren't even worth it! She rubberbands his tiny ass to her sole and puts it inside her flat. She takes him to work with her and calls a friend to talk about how disgusted she is with him. But he is getting her payback. She went to the local head shop and got a shrinking potion. Her friend is in disbelief as Jazmine describes what she's making her tiny cheating boyfriend do. He's inside her sweaty soles, worshiping her feet and beg for forgiveness, but Jazmine is not in a forgiving mood! (in HiDef)

$ 13.25


Skyler Unaware of Shrunken Brother     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 243.83 MB     Format: WMV

Skyler is on the couch, bare foot, and looking at a magazine. Her wide feet are very itchy and while she scratches, she doesn't notice this tiny boy at her feet. As it turns out, that tiny boy is her little brother. She rubs and scratches at her giant soles, her little brother is screaming for her help! She talks to herself, saying she can hear these tiny screams, but she can't find where they're coming from. She notices this little toy at her itchy feet, and she uses that tiny toy to scratch in between her itchy toes. Oh no! It's her little brother! But she doesn't apologize. She says since he's this small, she's going to use him. And she puts him in her thick flip-flops and heads out shopping. (some POV) (in HiDef)

$ 10.25


Jessi Answers Q&A About GTS Fetish     View Sample
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 336.24 MB     Format: WMV

Jessi takes time from her day to answer a few e-mails she has received about tiny men, shrinking fetish, and over all Giantess fetish. One fan asks "what would she do with her own, personal tiny man?" This question gets Jessi excited as she says aloud what she would do... Any more questions for Jessi?? (in HiDef)

$ 13.99


Mia and Cherish Jamm Goldie Men 'PC'    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 218.51 MB     Format: WMV

Mia and Cherish take turns stomping on these tiny transformed goldie men. The girls have on some nice foreign, popular shoes; Mia in gold gladiator-style high heels and Cherish in a pair of thick mary jane sandals. And look who has come to join the party.. Tinies!! This is going to be one fun crushing session! 'PC' (in HiDef)

$ 9.25


Sheena Crush In Front Of You 'PC'    
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 358.17 MB     Format: WMV

Sheena puts on your favorite pair of shiny gold gladiator heels and a strapless dress to drive you wild. You love being a spectator during one of her "warrior scenes" with tinies and you get the front row seat! Sheena is only giving you 15 minutes to get that cock hard and jerk off to her crushing all these tinies. She'll crush them between her giant tits, her hands and under her heels! Just when you've gotten your fill and ready for another round, Sheena puts you in place of the tinies and finishes you off with a giant foot stomp! 'PC' (POV angle) (in HiDef)

$ 15.25