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Skyler Mant Trap 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 272.31 MB     Format: WMV

Skyler is at home and bored, she walks outside and sees she has caught some mants! Shes been waiting on them all day to show up, Now that she finally got them she starts to torture and jamm the tiny Mants with her giant fingers. She likes to be rough, but is sure to give them a kiss! Skyler has no mercy at all for the tiny mants but she enjoys torturing and having fun! (Hidef)'PC'

$ 10.25


Bossy Daughter Exterminates Old Employee     View Sample
Length: 33.00 minutes     Size: 730.14 MB     Format: WMV

The boss' daughter has came in to help run the business and she's getting rid of all the old employees! Theres one certain man she really can't stand to look at any longer! He's been at the company forever but he's old and has nothing left to offer! All the other employees use him anyways! The girls make him massage their stinky feet and clean their high heels! She calls him and tells him that because of the new regulations and her taking over she'll be letting him go! She puts her stinky feet in his face as she tells him he'll have to clean out his office! She tells him if he wants to keep his job he'll have to clean her feet with his tongue! She than asks him if he's seen her new jeep! He has and says it's nice! She stands up and pulls out her wand and shrinks him down to the size of a toy! She tells him now he will see the truck from every angle! She picks him and take him outside to her expensive new jeep! She places him under the tire and backs over him, laughing the whole time! She thinks she's going to like firing employees! (HiDef) (Some POV)

$ 17.99


Cherish Unaware Jamms Grubmen    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 332.07 MB     Format: WMV

Cherish stands outside on her porch in her sexy black wedges, talking on the phone. She's completely unaware that her porch has been took over by grubmen! They're everywhere and she doesn't even feel them in her shoes and she jamms them with her heel! She brings her foot out of her shoes and smashes them into the wood with the ball of her foot as she walks around talking! Their tiny bodies crunch under her soles and she finally notices something under her foot! She looks down and see her porch invaded with grubmen! She can't believe this! She has to get rid of them! She smashes them with her foot and grinds them in the wood! They try to get away but it's no use! Cherish's big feet are too fast for them to escape! (HiDef)

$ 13.50


Lenore Punishes Her Neighbors 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 262.17 MB     Format: WMV

Lenore is so sick of her neighbors! They're all assholes! They are always watching her and calling the cops and being such dicks! So Lenore has some revenge in mind! She has turned them all into Crickmen and put them in a cage! She takes them out one by one and tapes them to her glass top desk! She tells them why they're here and what she's about to do to them before she jamms them with her tiny feet! (HiDef)'PC'

$ 9.99


Shaylee Makes Wishes Come True     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 239.76 MB     Format: WMV

Shaylee's boyfriend wants to change his life around! He tells Shaylee he wants to be with her forever and only her and be happy! He even tells Shaylee he wants to be her play toy if that's the only way he can have her! Shaylee is so excited and jumps up and hugs him! She tells him everything is going to be okay and kisses him sensually! She tells him if he wants to be a toy than that's what he shall be! Shaylee has gave him the shrinking virus by kissing him and he begins to slowly shrink! She laughs but he gets scared and tries to run while he's shrinking! She giggles and tells him everything will be fine and now he's her little toy! The tiny man jumps in a toy car and tries to escape from Shaylee but it's no use! Her giant feet move faster than the car and she has no problem catching him! Shaylee picks up the car with her giant toes and tells him she's going to smash him if he keeps trying to escape! She tosses the car and the tiny man jumps out! She runs after him and is getting angry with him! She pins him down with her massive toe and tells him he has to be punished for his behavior! Shaylee has just the thing for him! She shrinks him even smaller and he becomes the size of a piece of toe lint! She puts him between her toes and walks around! Shaylee laughs as he drowns in the sweat and foul odor between her toes. She bends down and tells him how much she loves him and how everything be better soon! (HiDef) (Some POV)

$ 8.99


Misty Rubs Tiny Classmates Cock and Crushes Crick Tinies 'PC'    
Length: 21.00 minutes     Size: 452.64 MB     Format: WMV

Misty comes home from a long day at school and has brought home one of her fellow students. She wore her new pink slippers and nylons to school and one of the guys in her class was staring at her! Misty could tell he was turned on by her sexy feet so she shrunk him and brought him home! Misty also has a cage full of other students that she's turned into 'tinies!' Misty tells the shrunken guy that since he's cute and has an amazing body she's going to keep his appearance the same and let him watch her smash all the students in her slippers! She sets him down on the floor beside her feet and starts taking the 'tinies' out one by one! Misty puts them in her slipper and slowly bring her heel down on them! They scream with pain but Misty is a cruel bitch and loves the sound of it! She continues to smash the 'tinies' and than brings her foot out of her slipper and rub all over the shrunken boy. His dick is hard and he's pulled it out for Misty to see but she's completely unaware of what she's doing! She so focused on the 'tinies' she has forgot about him! Misty finally looks down and notices his rock hard cock! She rubs her feet all over his cock and applies all her weight to him! She teases him and tells him she knows he loves the smell of her stinky feet! She sticks him her slipper and rubs on his cock! Misty tells him she knows they're going to have a wonderful relationship! 'PC'

$ 16.25


Sexy Cinamons Wet Mouth    
Length: 6.00 minutes     Size: 138.38 MB     Format: WMV

Sexy Cinamon wants to show off her beautiful teeth and slobbery tongue for you! She opens her mouth and you get a close and personal tour of her mouth! She smiles as she licks her lips and knows exactly what you're thinking! Cinamon knows you want your hard cock in her wet mouth and she loves this opportunity to tease you!

$ 5.50


3 girl Sugar Daddy goldie jamm 'PC'    
Length: 23.00 minutes     Size: 499.63 MB     Format: WMV

Chloe, Kat and Storm are pissed! All there sugar daddy's have gone broke and there out for revenge. They pick them out one by one and being crushing there tiny helpless bodies for not paying up! They first begin crushing the tiny goldies with there sexy heels on then decide to torture them with just there stockinged feet. They then want to feel there tiny bones crush under there bare feet! They love the way there broke ass sugar daddy's feel under there gorgeous bare soles. (HI Def 'PC')

$ 19.25


Cinamon finds tiny chink specs     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 237.86 MB     Format: WMV

Cinamon walking in her house discovers two puny people whom turn out to be two puny Chinese people. A Man and a women. She tells them that she dislikes other races except 'Whites' and uses them as her micro foot slaves gluing them to her huge soles! They will learn to please her giant feet and her boyfriend's giant dick! (HiDef)

$ 9.25


Selena Mant Fun 'PC'     View Sample
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 282.07 MB     Format: WMV

So So tiny to her massive toes, fingers and tongue. Selena is a petite girl but the Mants are too insignificant compared her giant body! She loves to talk to them while she smears and grinds! 'PC' HD

$ 12.00


Kat Finds Her Brothers Pets 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 280.00 MB     Format: WMV

Kat comes home and finds all of her brothers pets in the kitchen. She has an idea in mind and deices to throw some in the freezer. She relaxes for a few minutes and gets a drink of water. Kat then gets back to her idea, she knows her brother will be upset! She doesn't care though, hes always in her things. She jamms his tiny pets in between her finger and drops them to the ground and rubs them in. Maybe losing his pets will teach him not to get in her things!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 10.50


Candice And Lenore Have In Shoe Pets 'PC'    
Length: 21.00 minutes     Size: 474.24 MB     Format: WMV

Candice and Lenore are in the kitchen playing with their pets, and they have tons of them. They decide to have fun so they jamm all of their victims in there shoes with bare heels. They take turns going back and fourth with there icky little victims. They love what they are putting them through the girls thinks it feels good. They walk around to flatten them out more and more. Would you like to become Candice and Lenore's Next victim?(Hidef)'PC'

$ 15.99


Candice Jacks Off 10 inch Virgin     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 238.51 MB     Format: WMV

Candice is sitting in her chair when she feels something toughing he feet! She looks down and she's her best friend's little brother has been shrunk down to only 10inches tall! She can't believe what she's seeing! She bends down and picks him up! She know he's a virgin and starts to mess with him! She pulls out his tiny cock and begins to stroke it! She spits on her fingers and uses her spit as lube to jack him off! He moans and she knows he's loving it! He's always been such a little pervert and Candice is finally going to give him what he wants! She brings his tiny dick to her mouth and begins to give the tiny boy a blowjob! Candice sucks on his tiny dick and loves the feeling of his cock in her mouth1 She tells him she's so happy that it was her that could give him his first sexual experience! Candice knows that he's also always had a thing for feet! She's caught him sniffing her shoes and staring at he tiny pretty feet so many times and she's got a treat for him! She lays him on the ground and begins to rub her beautiful soles all over his tiny body! Candice asks if he likes that and he's so aroused he can't even talk! She takes his tiny dick between her toes and slowly begins to jack him off! Candice strokes his tiny dick until he cums and she's so satisfied! (HiDef)

$ 9.99


Candice and Lenore sexy stocking crush "PC"    
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 290.15 MB     Format: WMV

Two beautiful lady's decide to have a little fun with there tiny victims. Lenore and Candice stand on the glass and tease there victims before crushing them under there gorgeous stockinged toes! After awhile they get down and start crushing them on the floor. Candice grabs them up with her toes as Lenore teases them by wiggling her toes right in front of them, then uses her toes to helps crush them between both there sexy stockinged toes. Lenore and Candice then sit down and talk about all the fun they had while showing there sexy stockinged soles. (Toe Crush)

$ 11.99


Hali Unaware Jamm in Mules 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 338.21 MB     Format: WMV

Hali is taking a break talking on the phone and has no clue she has intruders in her shoe, she walks around not even noticing she is jamming them in her shoe, she finally looks down and notices them, so she decides to give them what they deserve she continues to jamm them! Hali shows no mercy to the tinies that messed up her perfect Mules!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 12.99


Hali Jamms Unaware Pests 'PC'    
Length: 17.00 minutes     Size: 372.43 MB     Format: WMV

Hali walks around her kitchen in her black heels and a cute tight dress. She has no idea her kitchen has been invaded by Goldies and Worm men! She talks on the phone as she unknowingly smashes the goldies as she walks around and makes plan for the night. She tells her friend about her cute new shoes she's bought and changes into them! She slips on her brown sandals as she walks around and jamms the goldies in the ground. The goldies flop up in Hali's shoes and as she walks she jamms them into her shoes! (HIDef)

$ 14.99


Ms. Ava Jamms Crickmen    
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 286.68 MB     Format: WMV

Ms. Ava has some crickmen taped down in her kitchen and is ready to teach them a lesson. She laughs and taunts them as she hangs her big heel over them, telling the what she's about to do to them! She slowly jamms the crickmen one by one with her heels! She is about to step on another crickman and he begins to beg for mercy! Ms. Ava picks him and takes him to the dining room to listen to what he's saying! He tells her she's beautiful and so in love with her! He begs her to spare his life! Ms. Ava takes him back into the kitchen and begins crushing his friends in front of him as she laughs in his face! She puts him on the ground and walks ovwer top him so he can see right up her skirt! She looks down and sees his tiny dick is super hard! She picks him back and takes him back to the dining room. He tells Ms. Ava he has one last request! He asks if he could fuck her and she laughs in his face! She tells him she can't even feel his body on hers, much less his tiny dick! He has to die like all his friends! But since Ms. Ava thinks he's cute she tells him she'll make it quick! She takes off her shoe and give the crickman the honor of being crushed by her bare sole! (HiDef)

$ 11.99


Holiday Finds Woodbees'PC'    
Length: 8.00 minutes     Size: 184.24 MB     Format: WMV

Holiday has been outside working in the yard, she comes in to her kitchen to start cleaning up the mess from lunch. She takes off her shoes and pulls her sweaty feet out of her stinky work shoes. Holiday starts sweeping the kitchen when all the sudden she finds this big black and yellow invader its a wood bee and she cant believe its in her house! Holiday is disguested and decides to take care of the problem she jamms it with her big size ten feet. Then she notices that theirs more than one. She even finds one that is still alive and she jamms it with her finger and cuts its head off! Holiday wants no intruders in her house! she sweeps them up and throws them away. Holiday took care of the bee problem! (Hidef)'Pc'

$ 7.25


Storms Tiny Boyfriend Fantasy    
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 674.50 MB     Format: WMV

Storm comes home and cant find her boyfriend, she walks through the house looking for him and gets no answer. Storm goes in the kitchen to get a drink and still gets no answer after calling his name. She Thinks he wants to play that tiny boyfriend fantasy. Storm is right he does want to play and he has shrunk himself to a super tiny man. Storm waits for him and is rubbing her foot on the carpet in the kitchen then she feels something like a rock. she picks it up and it is a little man that looks just like her boyfriend. She takes the little man to the living and has a little fun. Storm uses the tiny man to massage her achy feet that have been in heels all day. She also makes him sniff her feet and lick in between her toes. if her boyfriend wants to play this fantasy shes going to make sure it goes right. (Hidef)

$ 16.50


Selena and Cinamon Discover Pests 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 270.12 MB     Format: WMV

Selena's in her kitchen preparing to cook dinner when her neighbor Cinamon comes over. Cinamon tells Selena she knows a great recipe and would love to help her cook dinner! Both girls are completely unaware of the pest problem on the kitchen floor! As they walk around they have no idea their feet and jamming these pest into the floor! The girls around around the kitchen and one by one take out the pest! Cinamon looks down and tells Selena to look! They can't believe their eyes! They thought they've been stepping on wet noodles this whole time! The girls have to do something about them! They're everywhere! They walk around and stomp the pest into the floor with their bare soles! Selena knows her boyfriend must have been the reasoning behind this! They continue to make a mess with the pest and Selena says she'll make sure to make her boyfriend clean it up! (HiDef)'PC'

$ 11.25