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Ariana Shrink and Chase Foot Lover Pt. 1     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 218.31 MB     Format: WMV

Ariana invites you in, fully aware of your foot fetish. She finally breaks the news that she invited you over for some fun, but not the kind of fun you have in mind. She shrinks you down as you gaze on her long legs, down to her feet in those strappy heels. She offers you the chance to escape her giant feet crushing down on your tiny body, but you're too much in awe to move! Ariana grinds her heel into the floor in front of you saying she wore those shoes just for you! As her foot comes down, she'll let you run away, but you're heading straight for the corner of the room; just where she wants you! (POV) (in HiDef)

$ 9.25


Cousins Torture Tiny Cheating Boyfriend     View Sample
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 272.65 MB     Format: WMV

Aliyah comes by her cousin's house to hang out for a while. But her cousin has bad news. Apparently, Madalyn's boyfriend has been cheating on her with every girl around town and Madalyn is going to punish him! Aliyah is in shock when Madalyn pulls out this tiny, toy looking man. The girls hear his screams for help and just laugh and tell him he's getting what he deserves! The girls swish him inside their mouths, covering him in their saliva and he even gets stuck inside Madalyn's braces! The girls dominate him and laugh as he's forced to smell and worship their giant feet! Payback is a bitch! (some sound effects) (in HiDef)

$ 10.50


Maryann Jamm Tiny Meal Men 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 325.45 MB     Format: WMV

Maryann can't wait to stomp her big, mature bare feet on this pile of helpless transformed meal worm men! She laughs and dances on top of them as they cling to her soles! 'PC' (in HiDef)

$ 14.25


Ariana Rubberbands Tiny Rich Boy to Her Soles    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 256.47 MB     Format: WMV

Ariana laughs at this spoiled rich kid she has rubberbanded to her sole. He's always talking about his money, thinking he can sleep with any girl and get any thing he wants. Not from Ariana. She tortures him with her sweaty feet and makes him worship while he's down there! (in HiDef)

$ 11.50


Ariana Has Tiny Splinter on Her Sole    
Length: 5.00 minutes     Size: 112.84 MB     Format: WMV

Ariana lays on the bed and complains to Nevaeh that she has a tiny splinter in her sole. She trusts Nevaeh to get a hot needle and try to get the splinter out. (in HiDef)

$ 5.99


Diamond Thief Sisters in Big Trouble     View Sample
Length: 30.00 minutes     Size: 652.86 MB     Format: WMV

Sisters Shya and Candice have gone and robbed the local art museum of its' priceless diamond. The girls have brought it home and are thrilled with its' brilliance. But when Detective Dad comes downstairs, the girls have to hide it quick. He tells the girls he's leaving to investigate a diamond heist. Candice barely says anything because she's hidden the diamond in her mouth after failing to find another place. Unsuspecting the diamond could be in her mouth, Shya pats her little sister hard on the back, causing Candice to swallow the damn thing! When Dad leaves, Candice admits what she's done. Shya freaks out and the on the whim, she calls their big brother for help. The girls don't tell him at first while he's there. Finally, Candice pushes Shya to tell the truth. Big brother, your little sisters are the diamond thieves your father is hunting! But Candice has swallowed the diamond and the girls need help getting it out! They know Dad gave their big brother the shrink ray and when he pulls it out, he doesn't even have time to tease the girls with it. Shya grabs it and immediately shrinks him! Candice freaks out, scared of what Shya may do next. Shya ties a string to their tiny big brother and tells Candice to lay down. They're going to slide their brother down Candice's throat and have him pull out the diamond. Their brother goes in, but Shya pulls the string too fast and brother gets stuck inside Candice's stomach, along with the diamond! And there's more! Dad finally comes home to see the girls on the couch. He says their brother has tried calling them, but the girls deny seeing him! When Dad calls brother's phone, he hears it ringing around Candice's stomach. Before he can call out the girls, Shya shrinks him! She tells Dad to please go down Candice's mouth to retrieve their brother and the diamond and the girls will turn themselves in. Dad goes in and after a few tugs, Shya pulls him out, only to find no brother and no diamond! Out of frustration and Dad trying to call his police buddies, Shya quickly swallows Dad! When he's wriggling in her stomach, Shya lays down and confesses her pain. But Candice reminds Shya that now they're off the hook. No one knows what's going on, their secret is safe. Now, it's just a waiting game until they can retrieve the diamond. (some VORE) (some POV) (in HiDef)

$ 24.99


Ariana and Nevaeh Torture Tease Tiny Boyfriend     View Sample
Length: 12.50 minutes     Size: 286.41 MB     Format: WMV

Nevaeh has had to put up with a lot of bull shit from her boyfriend and she's done with him. She calls over her smoking hot girlfriend Ariana to help relieve some stress. Nevaeh has shrank her asshold boyfriend and now the girls are going to have a little fun with him. He hated seeing Nevaeh makeout with girls and now he's right in the middle of their tossing tongues! The girls strap him onto their soles and play a bit of footsie all over his tiny body. He never should have pissed off these two hot ladies! (in HiDef)

$ 11.99


Nevaeh Babysitter Jamms Them 'PC'    
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 296.36 MB     Format: WMV

Her sister has left her with the pets for a couple of months. Nevaeh doesn't have time for this, she's a hot girl with things to do! She wonders how to get rid of these without making it look like her fault. OOPS! One "jumped" out of its' cage and Nevaeh has no choice but to catch it. She uses her giant flip-flop! Oh well, no one is going to notice. But, now she has to get rid of the rest of them to avoid getting caught. She uses her bare feet and has a blast jamming these tinies! 'PC' (in HiDef)

$ 12.50


Detention in Principal's Heels     View Sample
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 258.72 MB     Format: WMV

Mrs. Jenna J is tired of seeing Billy Badass in her office every day after school for detention! He needs to be made an example of. She shrinks him down, puts him in front of her desk and demands him to finish his work. But he seems to be more interested in her feet. He wants Mrs. Jenna J's soles, well, he is going to get them! She puts his tiny body under her soles inside her heels and decides to take him home with her for a better punishment! (in HiDef)

$ 11.25


Jessi and Skyler Unaware Vore     View Sample
Length: 9.00 minutes     Size: 191.91 MB     Format: WMV

Enjoying their lunch break, the girls have no idea his tiny ass has climbed up their legs and is right at their mouths as they munch on those chips. But, he should have been more careful! When he falls into the bowl, he becomes a munched mess in between Jessi's teeth! (VORE) (in HiDef)

$ 8.99


Draya uses her tiny pets to massage her sore heels 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 322.12 MB     Format: WMV

Coming in after work in her dirty sweaty sandals. Draya tries to relieve her tired feet but comes up with a plan and use her pet goldies as personal Massagers. Inserting them in her slipper under each bare heel. Then walking and standing on their squishy bodies as cushions. She thanks them so much for making her dirty bare feet feel so much better! 'PC' (Hi Def)

$ 13.99


Aries Massage Tinies in House Shoes 'PC'    
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 485.39 MB     Format: WMV

Aries has some sore feet but she knows the perfect relief for them. She pulls out her stash of tinies and goldies and puts them inside the sole of slippers and loves the feeling of them underneath her big, wide soles! 'PC' (in HiDef)

$ 18.99


Angie Teacher Jamm Students 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 267.12 MB     Format: WMV

Angie has been called in as a substitute teacher for class today. But Ms. Angie isn't the nice teacher they were hoping for! She has transformed these naughty students into a cage full of tinies! She'll chase them one by one and give each one their deserving punishment! 'PC' (in HiDef)

$ 11.25


Tiny Slave in Jessi Ass     View Sample
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 325.30 MB     Format: WMV

Trapped on the bed, smaller than her finger, Jessi crawls up to her tiny slave and tells him to get in her ass and make it feel good! She puts him inside her thong, and he crawls in. Jessi can't feel much at first. She keeps asking if he can hear her. After no reply, Jessi starts to feel something wiggle in her ass! She exclaims at how good it feels, and tells her tiny slave he will forever be trapped in her ass! (in HiDef)

$ 14.99


Trinity Tortures Tiny Son     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 235.47 MB     Format: WMV

Trinity comes home from work and yells for her son. He doesn't answer, and Trinity sits on the couch, frustrated, and taps her feet in her pumps. She doesn't know her little boy has been shrunk and now he really is her "little" boy! Trinity paces back and forth in the room, unknowingly stepping on her tiny son as she walks. As she sits back down, she sees something moving on her floor. She picks it up and hears his screams! Trinity is even more upset about him being shrunk and decides to give him a punishment; smell between Mom's sweaty toes, and respect a pair of "hard working feet" or he'll never get back to normal size! (some POV) (in HiDef)

$ 10.25


Skyler Rolls Dice to Decide Their Fate 'PC'    
Length: 24.00 minutes     Size: 518.34 MB     Format: WMV

Skyler looks like a sexy goddess as she dangles her tiny victims in front of her face. They stare all the way down to her gladiator style heels as Skyler tells them what is going to happen to them. She rolls the dice and each number lands a certain technique to jamm these tinies. Some are finished off in between her palms, her fingers, under her giant heels, and a lucky few get to explore her body before being crushed between her giant tits! 'PC' (in HiDef)

$ 19.99


Ms. Katnik Tiny Student Crush on Her Feet    
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 340.39 MB     Format: WMV

Ms. Katnik is excited to be teaching an all new class this year. But one student is very familiar with Ms. Katnik's amazing, big, stinky, stockinged soles and he shrinks himself to get up close and personal with those feet! Ms. Katnik teaches the class, unknowing of her tiny student at her feet. He climbs on her soles when the students go out for recess where Ms. Katnik finds him! He admits to his crush on her feet and Ms. Katnik doesn't scold or punish him; she gives him exactly what he wants for the rest of the school day! She takes her student home with her where they play a few games of hide and seek until the games turn deadly! Katnik stomps on her tiny student while trying to find him and now she has to destroy any evidence that he was around her! (in reg. res.)

$ 19.50


Skyler Eats Little Brother in Cereal     View Sample
Length: 21.00 minutes     Size: 452.10 MB     Format: WMV

Skyler opens the refrigerator to look for her tiny brother. Mom shrank him last night as punishment and put him in the fridge to cool off. Skyler teases him for being in trouble and says she's going to treat him like every other piece of food in the fridge! She puts him in her cereal, pours the milk and enjoys a nice morning bowl! (VORE) (in HiDef)

$ 16.99


Selena Unaware Tiny Man in Waiting Room     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 247.75 MB     Format: WMV

Selena dangles her pumps as she's in the waiting room at the Doctor's office. She is unaware of the tiny man climbing to her feet. She taps her foot and almost crushing the tiny guy. The doctor comes into the waiting room and asks if Selena has seen anyone in the waiting room or if anything has ran across the floor. Selena hasn't noticed anything, so the doctor says he'll be back with her in a moment. Selena gets up to grab another magazine, but she ends up stepping on the tiny little man! He sticks to her heel as she continues to dangle and read. Finally, Selena is called in to the doctor's office, unknowingly taking the tiny man back with her! (some POV)

$ 10.25


Shya Tiny Chris in Her Ass     View Sample
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 205.00 MB     Format: WMV

Shya awakens from a nap and remembers that her tiny little Chris went up her ass before she fell asleep! She rolls over and talks to him, but she gets no reply. Shya shakes on her ass, pulls on her thong, but still nothing from tiny Chris. Shya knows her tiny boyfriend is now stuck in a piece of her shit and there's only one way he's coming out! Shya even gets a call from Chris's son, but Shya swears she hasn't seen or heard from Chris. But soon, he'll be flushed down the toilet and it's Bye-Bye tiny Chris! (in HiDef)

$ 9.50