Savannah Shrinks And Runs Over Brad View Sample
Length: 31.00 minutes Size: 693.60 MB Format: WMV
Brad sneaks back to his old place of employment to find his employee file to figure out why he got fired by Alana. He rummages through someones desk, then out of nowhere Savannah shows up , She starts questioning Brad about why he is digging through her desk. Brad tries to explain he's just looking for Alana and the reason why he was fired. He needs his paper work showing he worked their. Brad even explains how bad the situation between him and Alana was. She ran over him with her car, she caused brad serious damage. Brad tries to explain to Savannah why he was fired but she doesn't listen. He thinks he's been fired because of his age, and the way he looks. Savannah looks through the file herself and says that he's wrong. Brad tells her he just wants his paper work so he can file a claim to the courts. Savannah isn't going to let that happen she tells brad to get off her property. Brad refuses to leave, he wants his paperwork. Since brad wont listen to savannah she freezes him so he cant go anywhere. She props her feet on her desk and has a nice little talk with Alana on the phone. Savannah then shrinks brad to be sure he wont be filing any complaint. She tortures him with her big feet, then she decides she will have a little more fun and torture him more. Savannah takes him outside to run over brad again, she cant stand his ugly, fat little self. savannah lays brad down under her very large tires and starts her car and rolls over brads little fat body popping his legs off, she repeats this over and over again and destroys him to pieces. When savannah is done she brings him back in to her desk and calls Alana and tells her what happened.(Hidef)